Monday 7 May 2012

Police Officer Calls A Spade A Spade* SHOCK!

A policeman has been caught on camera branding a group of school children the 'scum of the estate'.
Unfortunately, the 'Mail' has the video, and shows it, which rather gives the lie to their 'OMG! Police out of control!' slant by showing this group of 'school children' in all their truculent, aggressive, ignorant glory.

If they'd got a swift backhander (as I'd have got if I spoke to any adult in that fashion, never mind a police officer) I wouldn't have blamed the cop one bit. In some countries, they'd be lucky to escape with just that!

Of course, cue outraged parents with the usual excuses for their brood:
Mother-of-11 Margaret, 48, and disabled father Peter, 51..
Eleven!!! They must have great jobs, to be able to afford such a huge brood, eh?
...yesterday hit out at police for the 'outrageous' outburst, saying that adult police officers should be 'setting an example'.
Shouldn't you be doing that?

Are you proud of the way your offspring acts when he's got a group of his mates with him? I'd be hanging my head in utter shame, but for people like you, I suspect shame is as alien a concept as personal responsibility.
'The police officer's behaviour was outrageous. I would go far as to say it was harassment on the children...Harry is not a troublemaker. There is nowhere for the children to go.'
Ahh, yes, the familiar refrain: 'My kids have to hang around in large, aggressive, intimidating groups 'cos I don't want 'em under my feet, do I? How can I get any peace to watch 'Trisha'?'
Harry's father Peter believes officers are being 'very heavy-handed' and claimed he saw a police patrol car pass by their home at least 43 times in one night.
Whaaaat!?! Some places never, ever see a patrol car! If this is true - and what as he doing looking out of his window and counting anyway? I've got better things to do with my time! - why the need for...

Kent police have been forced to step up patrols in the area after a number of incidents of anti social behaviour.
But not little angel Harry, surely? Perish the thought!
He added: 'Last weekend, officers came to arrest a young girl and there were 13 cars and two police vans on the estate. 'All the police presence is just frustrating the children, it does seem to be very heavy-handed.'
 Out of the mouths of, well, not babes, exactly...
In the secretly filmed footage captured on Harry's phone when the children object, the rude officer says it is his opinion. The children then say that they could call him 'scum' too, to which the officer replies: 'Okay, I'll take that.'
Well, yes. After all, he has to, doesn't he?

And if he has to take it, I don't see why young rapscallion Harry and his tooth-sucking posse shouldn't. Sometimes the shoe fits...

* No, don't get too excited, Melvin. I don't mean that...


A salt and battered said...

'* No, don't get too excited, Melvin.'

I look forward to being excited - notwithstanding the implication of substantial plastic surgery for yourself. Surely you wouldn't go cheap on me by donning a bag over your head, or mine?

Anonymous said...

Mother-of-11 Margaret, 48, and disabled father Peter, 51..

Says it all indeed.

I suppose he has the obligatory walking stick (in case anyone vaguely resembling someone from the DSS comes into view), the roll up stuck to his bottom lip, sportswear that's never seen any sweat from exercise and she is a lank haired fat bitch in jeggings both festering in their state sponsored shithole whilst their filthy, runny nosed offspring run riot. Modern Britain indeed.

These little fuckers really do need a good hard wallop instead they go around acting like the little untouchable scumbags they are recognised to be, phone cameras/video/sound on whenever anyone in authority comes by, deliberately baiting them for the YouTube money shot.

jaded said...

I tried to comment on the Mail regarding this story.I think they disabled the comments after virtually no-one criticised the policeman.(Not even Melvin).

Anonymous said...

I do find this hard to swallow (no pun intended) but I believe ol' Beany was misunderstood in this incident. His judgement was that Police officers could not be offended at the 'general' use of obscene words in speech - ", this is a f**king disgrace." as opposed to "...Man, you are a f**king c*nt". In the latter case, where the obscenities were directed at a Police officer, it has been held (several times) that Police officers can be offended in being described in this manner. Notwithstanding that, the little sh*ts in the video - I hope they aren't offended by that terminology - deserve to have their a*ses kicked and their parents prosecuted for failing to drown their offspring at birth. I was going to say that I hope they aren't offended by that terminology, but to be honest, I couldn't give a sh*t!

Anonymous said...

Disabled father or shagged out?


JuliaM said...

"I look forward to being excited..."


"... deliberately baiting them for the YouTube money shot."

The camera, unfortunately, reveals them for what they are, too. No amount of editing will solve that.

"I think they disabled the comments after virtually no-one criticised the policeman.(Not even Melvin)."

When I read it, there were quite a few!

" I was going to say that I hope they aren't offended by that terminology, but to be honest, I couldn't give a sh*t!"


A salt and battered said...

'I look forward to being excited'...*shudders*'

May your dreams be blissfully filled with shudders, JuliaM. So far as I am concerned they will remain dreams.

Tatty said...

"So far as I am concerned they will remain dreams.

You were well up for it yesterday. Hell hath no fury like a Melv scorned eh ;)

Anonymous said...

Your attentions may risk feral's jealous, tatty. Hobble back, dear.

David Duff said...

"Mother-of-11 Margaret, 48, and disabled father Peter, 51.."

Wish I was as 'disabled' as him!

Anonymous said...

"I look forward to being excited - notwithstanding the implication of substantial plastic surgery for yourself. Surely you wouldn't go cheap on me by donning a bag over your head, or mine?"

Is he saying you're no oil painting, how rude!

I think we should be shown a picture of the mother of 11, she must be quite something.

jaded said...

If you can be bothered then trawl through the comments on the Medway gazette.I'm sure some of these commentators know the family in question.
The best comment is "Disabled father of 11? Well at least one part of him works!" Classic.