Monday 7 May 2012

Straight-Talkin' Judge...

Seven pensioners were left homeless with nothing but the clothes on their backs after Timothy Bixley – said by a judge to be "bonged out of his head" on drugsstarted an early morning blaze which gutted their homes.
This isn't some teenage firebug, either:
The unrepentant 39-year-old appeared before Croydon Crown Court on Wednesday and smirked as he faced sentencing for starting a string of fires on the night of August 15 and early hours of August 16.
Is it a case of drink and drugs? Well, of course:
The court was told Bixley's trail of destruction started earlier in the night, when he was intoxicated and had taken amphetamines.
I'm sure he's a churchgoing saint when he isn't 'bonged out of his head' though...

Judge Heather Baucher said: "Mr Bixley was bonged out of his head but he wasn't bonged out of his head so much that he couldn't start a fire on four different occasions.
"There are no explanations for this which astounds and worries me.
"One would hope the smirking is at the incredible amount of damage done and nothing else. The photos of the damage speak a thousand words."
She gave him nine years. He won't serve it all, will he?


Captain Haddock said...

People like him deserve to be "bonged out of their heads" .. with a 9mm injection ..

Let's see if he's still up to smirking when he kneels down & looks into the eyes of the person about to squeeze the trigger ..

Tatty said...

So now we know why criminals get shorter sentences, if at all. Because the judge presiding understands why they did it.

Which, since most of us can't most of the time, worries and astounds ME !!

JuliaM said...
