Tuesday 15 May 2012

Appeasement Never Works…

Officers have stepped up patrols in Cluny Square to combat a rise in antisocial behaviour. The worst problems have been at the Chinese takeaway, Man Lee, which is suffering at the hands of yobs.
Paul Van Looey, independent councillor for St Luke’s, said: “A couple of weeks ago they got some racial abuse, and then kids came along lobbing milkshakes at the window. They are a bit scared.”
And what’s being done about it?
Sgt Ian Hughes, of Shoebury police, said: “The whole reason for the operation is the Chinese takeaway, in particular, has been targeted for antisocial behaviour.
“Yobs have been going into the shop, opening doors and shouting abusive names.
“But we’ve got some names of lads – people we are going to look up.”
Did you misspell ‘lock up’?

Now normally in one of these local stories, you’d get a host of local residents clamouring to provide examples of the yob’s antics. Yet not this time:
Patricia Kul, 47,who works in Cluny Bakery, said: “I haven’t had any trouble.
“Maybe a couple of cans missing now and again.
“But I know the newsagents gets trouble with a few louts in at a time taking stuff.”
What’s the secret of your success, Patricia? Is it the pies?
However, Rosemary Ariss, 63, who runs Cafe @ the Square, said the youngsters were easy to deal with. She said: “I think it’s the way you react to them, especially with the older ones.
“You treat them like adults and they are fine.
A lot of it is a respect thing. Respect goes both ways.”
It also has to be earned
Lyn Barnes, 56, of Cluny Residents’ Association, added: “We had an incident with them banging one of the signs outside.
We asked them if they wanted us to call the police and they said ‘Go on then’.
So we told them the community had got together and got them a pool table for Connexions youth centre and their attitude changed.”
Ah. So you bribed them?
Ian Mildren, vice-chairman of the association, said things had greatly improved in the area. He said: “It’s not as bad as it used to be. It used to be terrible around here.
Elderly people never used to go to the shops after 6pm, but they do now.”
I’m so glad the mark of ‘a nice place to live’ is now one where the elderly feel safe to shop after 6:00pm!


Mummy x said...

Jesus wept. Once, when I was about 13 and going through my 'rebellious stage' I sprayed Merry Xmas (in snow spray) on the back wall of my local paper shop, and was caught. The shop owner dragged me home to my mum and then arranged for me to go round on a Saturday morning and wash it off. Whilst scrubbing away He sent every customer round the back to admire my hard work. I still, to this day, can't decide which was more painful, the shame of everyone I knew watching me scrub off that snow spray or the battering my mother gave me once the shop owner left. I also remember him taking a £10 note of a woman, when the shop was chock full of customers, and keeping the change (about £9). When She demanded Her change He simply stated He was keeping it as payment for all the sweets and fizzy drinks her son had been stealing since he started his paper round the month before. Nobody got a pool table but by fuck, everyone respected the shopkeeper.

Captain Haddock said...

Well said "Mummy x" ..

Pity there aren't more like your former employer about ..

These little toe-rags were definitely begging to be "sliced & diced" .. the Chinese community not being renowned for "talking things through" when they feel threatened ..

Tatty said...

I dunno...where these Triads when you need 'em eh...

Anonymous said...

You have names of people you are going to look up, Sgt Hughes?

It would be a lot of trouble to disconnect all the radiator couplings to venture outside during a cold snap, Sergeant Hughes. It should suffice to forward copies of your list to the vigilante Editor of the Croydon Advertiser - and his associate blogger.

Bucko said...

"the community had got together and got them a pool table"

I didn't see that coming!
There's quite a lot of chavs in my hometown so I think I'll pop out and buy a shit load of pool tables.


Captain Haddock said...

"There's quite a lot of chavs in my hometown so I think I'll pop out and buy a shit load of pool tables" ...

A Pool/Snooker ball in a knotted sock is a far cheaper option .. ;)

JuliaM said...

"I still, to this day, can't decide which was more painful, the shame of everyone I knew watching me scrub off that snow spray..."

Ah, the days when shame was a factor.

"There's quite a lot of chavs in my hometown so I think I'll pop out and buy a shit load of pool tables."

I suspect they would indeed work...if you tied the little scrotes to them and heaved them into the North Atlantic.