Friday 20 March 2015

Beggars Really Can’t Be Choosers…

Rachael Sims, 32, husband Tony, 42, and their daughters Hayley, 17, and Chloe, 14, were forced to move out of their privately rented three-bedroom semi-detached home in Seaton Road on March 3 as the landlord wants to sell.
As happens to lots of people. Why is it a problem for this family (nicely illustrated with artfully-posed photos shot on the Town Hall steps)?
News Shopper reported in January that on finding out they were to be made homeless, the Sims family were told by Bexley Council that due to a shortage of temporary accommodation in the south east, they had been sending applicants to Manchester - some 230 miles away.
The family descended on Bexley Council offices again last week where they were told they had no choice but to move into two bedrooms in 10-bed shared accommodation in Longfield Street, Dartford, or face homelessness.
So, despite them all working full-time or being in full-time education, they cannot afford to rent another house in the area? Or even out of the area (but not as far as Manchester)?

Well, it seems a comment purporting to be from the Council might explain:
London Borough of Bexley says...
We provided the paper with some more information, which they did not include in their final story. This was that, for several weeks prior to their eviction, the Council’s Housing Support Service had been working with the Sims family to find alternative private rented properties. Although a number of properties were identified, the family chose not to pursue this option.
Well, well, well…
A council spokesman said: "As we have explained to Mrs Sims, we cannot ‘reserve’ emergency accommodation in advance.
"Unfortunately when the Sims family presented as homeless the only availability was the shared accommodation in Dartford.
"It is not unusual for this property, or similar, to be used in order to meet our duty to homeless households.
"The alternative to using this accommodation would have been to place the family in a hotel, which is more expensive and would not be a good use of council tax payer's money."
Indeed it wouldn’t. Don’t like the council’s offer? Find suitable rental accommodation yourself.

And...when did it become the job of the council to assist two able-bodied adults to source accommodation?


Anonymous said...


I wonder if he is the father of the first child? Also did she stand by him as he did time for obviously having sex with a fourteen year old? So many questions like rent your own bloody house.

Ian B said...

This was why I stopped playing The Sims. They're idiots and you have to do literally everything for them, which soon gets tiresome.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the angry, I'm entitled, chav pout. SNAP! Here:
What is it with these people. I bet every local paper prints at least one of these boo-hoo 'stories' a week. What does it achieve? Well, a bollocking from the commentards that's what and sweet FA

Macheath said...

'The family descended on Bexley Council offices again...'

That short phrase says so much...

Dabble said...

The landlord's son adds some extra information to the story:

Nfoster85 says...
After reading the article I'm absolutely appauled at it. My father was the landlord and in no way did he ever indicate he's intention of selling the property. The tenants had not paid rent for MONTHS. My father is still due in the region of £5000-10000 of un paid rent arrears which chances are he will never get back.

For the past 6-8 months my father has also endured the stress and anxiety of dealing with this financial strain which has nothing to do with him. When the family were struggling in the past my father has been more then reasonable if they haven't been able to make the rent payment that month and allowed them to pay it back at a later date.

When cleaning the house he also found used sanitary towels left in kitchen and bathroom cupboards. Absolutely disgusting. This article is a joke.

Flaxen Saxon said...

Daft buggers. Just buy a house in Tipton.

JuliaM said...

"I wonder if he is the father of the first child?"

Ah, parenthood bingo!

"This was why I stopped playing The Sims. They're idiots and you have to do literally everything for them..."

Like Sim City should be required training for budding town planners, it should be required training for social services departments!

"What is it with these people. I bet every local paper prints at least one of these boo-hoo 'stories' a week."

It's keeping APILN going!

"The landlord's son adds some extra information to the story"

This is why I love comment sections!