Thursday 12 March 2015

Your Taxes Are Keeping This Man In Benefits…

And of course he leaves the court grinning having gotten away with no punishment at all.
The court heard Wayle had not worked for 30 years because of a head injury and suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder.
Magistrates gave him a 12-month conditional discharge after he admitted a charge of intentionally killing a wild bird.
And his explanation for having cannabis on him?
Actually witnessed this as well as a few very small children and bout 30 adults. It was absolutely beautiful day and what he did was pure cruelty. When confronted by members of the public he pushed a woman. He should be punished more than what he did.
Yes, indeed he should. He seems fit & well enough to be working. Isn’t it time his benefits were reviewed?


Anonymous said...

I am sure he could have been employed the last thirty years, breaking rocks.

Anonymous said...

My brother had a brain injury nearly 30 years ago, catastrophic doesn't cover it. His personality changed permanently. To all intents and purposes he died that day. Not defending this guy, just saying....

Dr Cromarty said...

My brother had a brain injury (RTA) that left him in a coma for a week. He later became a highly specialised coronary care charge nurse. Just sayin'.

Dr Cromarty said...

Oh and btw his fine motor function is such that he's able to shape his sideburns with great skill. Unless his carer does that for him. Just saying...

Dr Cromarty said...

(That's the pigeon killer btw, not my brother)

Anonymous said...

Oh dear not all brain injuries are the same, just saying....

Anonymous said...


I had a brain injury and became a quantity surveyor, not quite the same thing really

Ted Treen said...

Post traumatic stress..?

I presume the trauma was once actually spending a day at work.

I recommend him for a Darwin award.

Anonymous said...


Come on at least he wore a suit and a tie for court, he at least made an effort, must have been a first.

Furor Teutonicus said...

" small children and bout 30 adults........ He should be punished more than what he did."......??????

So should your fucking English teachers lassie!

JuliaM said...

"I am sure he could have been employed the last thirty years, breaking rocks."

With his head?

"His personality changed permanently. To all intents and purposes he died that day. Not defending this guy, just saying...."

It's entirely possible he was a decent chap beforehand, yes. But maybe if the head injury is the cause, he shouldn't be allowed free reign?

"(That's the pigeon killer btw, not my brother)"


JuliaM said...

"So should your fucking English teachers lassie!"

I've given up putting 'sic' in these extracts, I'd get RSI!