Wednesday 18 March 2015

Why Don't You Look Up The Word 'Pollution'?

Lord True, leader of Richmond Council, claimed the organisation challenged the council to use taxpayers' money to sue them when they rasied (sic) objections about the advertising tactic.
He said: "First we have multinationals evading tax. Now we have multinationals evading planning rules and seeking to pollute public spaces...
With what..?
...with their logos free of charge.
"Nothing surprises me now in the arrogant behaviour of giants like Reebok and their agents who fancy themselves impervious to the law."
Oh. Right. So, they spray painted their logos somewhere, or something?
Between eight to 10 of the sports retail giant's logo, along with the slogan "Be more human #breakyourselfie", were believed to have been applied this morning with high pressure water and a stencil.

FFS! Since when has water been a pollutant?!


Anonymous said...

Banksy has obviously fallen into corporate hands!

AndrewWS said...

"Pollution" is not the right word. This is vandalism unless done with the consent of the owner of the pavement (i.e. the council).

Ted Treen said...

I feel that on the whole, politicians are such a pollutant that each should be emblazoned with a government health warning.

Anonymous said...

One wonders what this retail giant would say if the same method was used to display "Reebok is crap - made by Indian children in slavery" on the side of their headquarters (apart from demanding that taxpayers money is used to identify the vandal)?

JuliaM said...

"This is vandalism unless done with the consent of the owner of the pavement (i.e. the council)."

Technically, wouldn't that be the taxpayer?

"One wonders what this retail giant would say if the same method was used to display "Reebok is crap - made by Indian children in slavery" on the side of their headquarters"

The biter bit, eh..?