Sunday 8 March 2015

Phrases In Local Newspapers You Won't Forget In A Hurry...

Bottom-stabbings are often used as humiliation attacks.

H/T: wiggia via email


Macheath said...

Boxing Day 2011 brought us this story:

A man was stabbed while shopping at Bicester Village. The 22-year-old was stabbed in the buttock with what police believe was a knife.

Comments on the article at the time suggested it was the approved 'gangster' (or should that be 'gangsta'?) method of dealing with issues of 'respect' but a spot of research shows that it's surprisingly widespread, especially around football grounds...

O/T, you might enjoy this example of an interestingly specific shoplifting spree which surfaced while tracking down the original story:

Thomson, 20, of Braithwaite Close, admitted theft of £122, GHD hair straighteners, 12 Pleasuremax condoms, six Sweaty Betty Zumba headbands, Gillette Venus razor blades, two Zumba wristbands and first and second-class postage stamps.

AndrewWS said...

Interesting that the headline uses the more colloquial "bum".

andy5759 said...

Which, when you think about it, is grammatically correct as opposed to bottom. Bottom of what? Bum is a case of precision, grammatically. Bums are nice, on females. Men don't have them, unless they are advertising something. Now that is an awful advert.

Anonymous said...

When I was a youngster growmng up in the '60's it was an urban legend that a gangsters punishment was to slice the buttocks across with a stanley knife. Imagine trying to perform your daily duty after that!

JuliaM said...

"...the approved 'gangster' (or should that be 'gangsta'?) method of dealing with issues of 'respect' .."

Maybe they are just a big target?

Re; the shoplifting. It's the addition of the postage stamps that cracks me up!

"Which, when you think about it, is grammatically correct as opposed to bottom. Bottom of what?"

Yes, a rare example of good headline writing there!

"Imagine trying to perform your daily duty after that!"
