Thursday 19 March 2015

Dr Judith Is Cross… dare these peasants criticise the service?
Several more people say they have received the letter, signed by GP partner Dr Judith Cross, which argues that complaints should go through the proper channels.
The letter says: 'The partners at the practice are aware of your comments and how you feel. We have zero tolerance for inappropriate patient behaviour which is either face to face, over the telephone or on social media networks and do not accept this from our patients.'
The letter invites recipients to speak to the patient liaison manager and one of the GP partners, but adds 'in the absence of such a meeting, it is felt you might give consideration to finding an alternative practice to receive your general medical services'.
Oh boy. If you thought the comments were a PR blot for your practice, what do you think the publication of this hectoring, arrogant letter is going to be?

Tell me, Dr Judith, have you ever Googled the term 'Streisand Effect'? No? Well, you might want to...


Anonymous said...

For as long as they are paid for by extortion from our hardearned, they will think they own us!

Lord T said...

For as long as they are paid for by extortion from our hardearned, they DO own us!

Flyinthesky said...

It's yet another example of us allowing our "services" to become authorities. Notwithstanding if your GP has exclusive coverage in an area you probably wouldn't be accepted by an out of your area GP.

Northish said...

I quite like the "fuck off somewhere else," response to the gobbing off on the social network. It's not like they won't have a choice of surgeries.

JuliaM said...

"For as long as they are paid for by extortion from our hardearned, they DO own us!"

Quite! Bring on proper privatisation!

"Notwithstanding if your GP has exclusive coverage in an area you probably wouldn't be accepted by an out of your area GP."

Indeed so, hence my desire for proper privatisation.