Monday 23 March 2015

The Green Party’s Loss Is Labour’s Gain…

Jack Monroe undergoes a characteristically bitter divorce:
For a long time now I have found myself defending my membership of the Labour party while wondering what values of mine it defended any more. I didn’t leave the Labour party. It left me, and many others besides.
The joy of living in a free and democratic country is that you can work out what your fundamental ethics and values are and vote for someone who you feel represents them.
Sure! And if enough people share your ethics and values, you get to vote them in. Like the Greens were voted in in Brighton.

Reckon they’ll hold on to that seat, Jack?
… it’s easier to launch personal attacks than political arguments, easier to insult and scaremonger than to reflect on why so many core and loyal voters are edging away uncomfortably. “Vote Green and you’ll get Tories!” they shriek at me. I voted Labour last year. I got Tories. There are no guarantees in a first-past-the-post system that we get the government that represents us.
Maybe because there’s not enough people (yet) who are stupid enough to believe the Green catastrophe would be a good horse to back…


Furor Teutonicus said...

XX There are no guarantees in a first-past-the-post system that we get the government that represents us.XX

There is DEFFINATELY not a snow balls chance in fucking HEL of getting a "Government" that "represents you," under this "P.R" shite!

How the FUCK can a party that got less than 10% of the vote (Green slime) have MINISTERS!?

As happens in Germany?

Call THAT democcracy???

I fucking don't!

Dioclese said...

'The Green catastrophe' sums it up nicely...

John M said...

What is hilarious to me is the sheer scale of the revalatory moment that even some die-hard Labour loving Guardian colunnists are now having over how unrepresentative Miliband and his North London millionaire socialist chums are of the modern working man.

Albeit I don't think LaToynbee has quite come to terms with it yet.

Ian B said...

What's with this "Jack" thing anyway? Her name is Melissa.

JuliaM said...

"'The Green catastrophe' sums it up nicely..."

And I wouldn't bet against it being repeated in the GE again!

"What is hilarious to me is the sheer scale of the revalatory moment that even some die-hard Labour loving Guardian colunnists are now having over how unrepresentative Miliband and his North London millionaire socialist chums are ..."

But these pigs wear red rosettes, so they'll swallow hard, hold their noses and vote anyway...