Wednesday 24 October 2018

Bet They'd Find That Manpower If She'd Complained About Something Other Than A Theft!

...despite getting his first name, an address and phone number, police refused to accompany her to the culprit’s home – forcing her to meet the thief alone and then ‘steal back’ her own bike by riding off on it.
And after she gave police a detailed description of the alleged criminal, they said there was ‘insufficient information to proceed with an investigation’ and closed the case.
...she took screenshots from the website, with a first name and phone number, to police.
She claims that after waiting for two hours at a police station the desk clerk told her: ‘We don’t have the manpower to look at these sorts of things.’
Well, that's where you went wrong! You should have told them you found something 'offensive' on the webpage!

Or better yet, racist, because as Tim Newman points out, that will bring Essex Police farce on the run liketty-split, even if it isn't actually their jurisdiction.
A furious Mrs Jenson, 44, said last night: ‘It has made me realise how bad the state of policing is here.
‘It’s unbelievable that victims of crimes are having to investigate and then collect their own stolen items. And then nothing is done still. It makes me so angry.
No wonder criminals think they can get away with it – because they can.
‘I was nervous for weeks after I took it back. I didn’t sleep properly for days. I feel so angry and so helpless and feel like I am not safe.’
You aren't now. Especially if you park on a double yellow!


Anonymous said...

This sort of story really annoys me. A decent woman who is the victim of crime and does most of the work herself and we can't help her. Dreadful.

My team arrested a criminal a few months ago when a bike got stolen. The owner saw it on gumtree and the seller/thief gave his real address and the owner organised to go there to buy it. We went in his place and arrested him and found other bikes and some drugs.It was a doddle.(Anyone on here who knows the Downham estate won't be surprised that that was were he lived!!).

She needs to make a complaint and find out the name of the buffoon who screened this crime out as it goes against our protocol for investigations.


mikebravo said...

‘It has made me realise how bad the state of policing is here'.

Plod gain another lifelong fan!

Anonymous said...

Wasn't it Essex Police who were setting up operations to stop and prosecuting people who were smoking in company vehicles?
On whose scale of priorities is that top of the list compared to theft and burglary? Not a single average sane member of the public I would wager.

Shadeburst said...

Thank you Jaded. So there are still some real police.

JuliaM said...

"She needs to make a complaint and find out the name of the buffoon who screened this crime out as it goes against our protocol for investigations."

I suspect she feels that if they can't 'investigate' such a clear-cut case of theft, what's the point expecting them to investigate her complaint?

And she's probably not wrong.

"Plod gain another lifelong fan!"

They don't help themselves, do they?

"On whose scale of priorities is that top of the list compared to theft and burglary? Not a single average sane member of the public I would wager."

Oh, bless! You think they work for 'the public'!

"Thank you Jaded. So there are still some real police."

But getting fewer every day...