Thursday 25 October 2018

"We'd Better Call In Special Branch, Sarge!"

According to Devon and Cornwall Police, an 11-year-old girl is refusing to come down from three tree and is reportedly 'throwing things' at members of the public.
Eyewitnesses have reported seeing two fire engines and numerous police vehicles.
But remember, 'the terrible effects of Tory cuts on police efficiency'...


MTG said...

Total vindication for Devon and Cornwall's chief road sweeper and constable Shaun Sawyer, who complained bitterly of the single Plod helicopter allocation for his 'service'.

JuliaM said...

He does know they can cover large distances, doesn't he?

MTG said...

He simply misunderstood the requisition refusal, JuliaM. Shaun just wanted an extra big fan in his office on St Patrick's Day.