Tuesday 9 October 2018

Well, It's 'Integrated', And That's All That Matters!

A nurse has been suspended after making dangerous errors including giving one patient an insulin overdose.
The 'Echo' image library is right on the money:

Or...is it?
Friday Aizebamwan was employed as an agency nurse as part of the Basildon Wickford Integrated Community Team.


jack ketch said...

According to the photo "Friday Ekhator Aizebamwan" is white and female? Yet according to a 'check company' website overview (which reads as if FA wrote it): "MR FRIDAY AIZEBAMWAN is a Nursing from Dagenham. This person was born in October 1967, which was over 51 years ago. MR FRIDAY AIZEBAMWAN is British and resident in United Kingdom."[sic, bloody sic].

JuliaM said...
