Monday 29 October 2018

Shock! Not Saint Stephen!

A wannabe Tory councillor has defended “offensive” social media comments where she called murdered Stephen Lawrence a violent drug dealer.
'Wannabe'...? What's up, Newsshopper? Can't spell 'prospective'?
“All this Stephen Lawrence stuff gets on my tits,” Ms Sillick wrote in the comments of a Facebook group thread. She added: “He was a drug dealer who used violence to get what he wanted. My own father witnessed him going into a shop and demanding cigarettes he used a knife to threaten the member of staff behind the counter and ordered her to hand over hundred or pounds worth of cigarettes.”
The potential councillor claims Stephen also threatened a young girl with a knife at the shop where her dad worked.
Oh dear! Predictably, the media & opposition party is now whipping up a storm.
Ms Sillick defended the comments when approached by News Shopper.
She said: “I stand by them. Not that anyone deserved to be killed. My dad was working at the Co-op in Eltham when this happened.”
I suspect that won't last. How long before she apologises, withdraws & deletes her social media account, I wonder?


ivan said...

More to the point, how long before more of the truth comes out and pedestals get overturned?

Umbongo said...

Oh dear, oh dear: if this allegation stands up a whole social industry could go under. OTOH I'm surprised Dartford Conservatives haven't already slung Ms Sillick out: I wouldn't be shocked to learn that instructions to that effect have already been issued by CCHQ.

Anonymous said...

There's been rumours in the police about SL for years. Unfortunately even if they were true we cocked this investigation up so badly that if they were true and made public then his family could claim that it was sour-grapes.

MTG said...

Plod started the baseless smearing, which was eventually extended to besmirch the entire Lawrence family. It's standard practice for this public 'service'...when the plain truth does not suit them.

JuliaM said...

"More to the point, how long before more of the truth comes out and pedestals get overturned?"

Long since we are all in the grave, I suspect...

"OTOH I'm surprised Dartford Conservatives haven't already slung Ms Sillick out: I wouldn't be shocked to learn that instructions to that effect have already been issued by CCHQ."

It's tricky, since she's an identitygrouper herself. Who do they want to upset more, I wonder?

"There's been rumours in the police about SL for years. "

Not JUST in the police..

"Plod started the baseless smearing..."

No, actually. They didn't.