Sunday 7 October 2018

"Brett Who...?"

It's... it's right there on his nameplate!

H/T: Stephen Brown via email


Anonymous said...

Maybe they can't accept that he is now on the Supreme Court so they've given him a different name. The BBC gave the game away yesterday when they announced with quivering voice that this ends the decades long dominance of the Democrats on the Supreme Court. The same as the EU giving Poland a hard time.

Anonymous said...

Anybody'd think he'd been accused on purpose to make sure a Republican wasn't nominated, but of course, that couldn't possibly happen. Neither could his accuser be half a million dollars richer due to a Go Fund Me page. Dodgy dealings in politics? No, not at all...


Lynne: ex-Counting Cats said...

Clearly getting mixed up with Hilary's friend, Bernie Kavanaugh.

JuliaM said...

"Maybe they can't accept that he is now on the Supreme Court..."

Well, they face every other setback by sticking their fingers in their ears & wailing, so why not?

"Neither could his accuser be half a million dollars richer due to a Go Fund Me page."

I hope he sues her.

"Clearly getting mixed up with Hilary's friend, Bernie Kavanaugh."

Freudian slip!