Saturday 25 August 2012

Back Like A Bad Penny Shilling!

Somali drug dealers are operating in a popular park in Southchurch, police have revealed.
Officers have launched an investigation after a gang was spotted prowling around Southchurch Park at night, searching for business.
Gosh, who knew?

Oh. Wait.

Well, I guess you were right, Leigh, you have technically driven them out. Just, well, not very far.


Anonymous said...

Don't move them on, deport the bastards, not exactly difficult is it.

Dr Cromarty said...


Contribution to UK. One good middle-distance runner ( who lives in the USA - so much for the Great Satan!)

Otherwise, contribution to UK?

Violent criminals and highly fertile welfare addicts.

Anonymous said...

If there is a boating lake in that park we could use a bit of summary justice. All it would take is a couple of those pedalos, half a dozen AK47's, one or two RPGs, the local U3A members, and an address we could send the ransom note to!

JuliaM said...

"Don't move them on, deport the bastards, not exactly difficult is it."

You wouldn't think so, would you? Thanks, EU!

"Contribution to UK. One good middle-distance runner ( who lives in the USA - so much for the Great Satan!)"

Ah, but he's fully integrated. Which is what we want.

"If there is a boating lake in that park we could use a bit of summary justice. "

I like that idea!

Hexe Froschbein said...

Drug dealers prowling for business in a known locations?

How much easier can it be made for the cops to go do some targeted prowling for drug dealer arrests?