Wednesday 29 August 2012

Hull: Maybe It Deserves Prescott As Police Commissioner?

It’s no surprise she’s back in court, is it? After all, she’s appeared here three times already!
Aisha Delaney, who has 118 convictions, burgled the home of a 78-year-old man in west Hull, stealing his mobile phone.
It was the latest in a string of offences Delaney has committed against elderly men in west Hull.
Jailing her for 18 months, Judge Mark Bury said: “You are a lady who is alarming, distressing and causes upset to elderly people in this area of Hull.
“Sentences have been imposed in the past to try to help you and stop you offending but you simply go on committing offences of this type.”
Not while she’s behind bars, she doesn’t. Maybe that should be a hint?


Curmudgeon said...

Since she was targeting "elderly men" I wondered whether there might be some kind of "honey trap" aspect to this but, looking at her photo, that theory goes straight out of the window...

NickM said...

Just a small point. I work as an indy IT wonk. I know thefts of 'tronics normally are small beer in terms of the cost of the item but does the law take into account the contents. To put it personally I have a very nice DSLR which is "worth" a lot more than an 8Gb SD card in it but if that card had all my holiday snaps on it which would be the gravest loss to me? You can (and I do) insure a camera but you can't insure moments of time.

In the case of a phone you may lose less of the emotional stuff but reconstructing all your contacts etc is still a pain perhaps more painful than the loss of the thing.

I would like to see this addressed in law. In the meantime.

So "Back-up, back-up, back-up!".

PS. I also consider that something like a phone or a computer getting nicked doesn't just mean you lose your stuff but a criminal (by def) gets it.

NickM said...

It de-tagged my "Mrs Doyle" tag for "back-up..." Soz don't know Blogger too well.

David Gillies said...

Let's use my exponentially-increasing, no-concurrent sentencing model with a base tariff of 2 years for the first offence, three for the second, 4.5 for the third etc., no parole or time off for good behaviour. So for 118 offences she serves 2403413852067701751593 years (plus a shade over eight months.) That'll learn her.

NickM is right. Loss of data is far more important than loss of hardware. When I'm on holiday every day I backup the SD card in my camera to a USB stick on my keychain, to Facebook and to my Dropbox account. The question isn't whether you're paranoid, it's whether you're paranoid enough. Wi-fi based realtime cloud storage might mitigate this, although the cloud is an arse at the moment. But if someone broke in and stole my mother's photos I think it would kill her.

Anonymous said...

Other option is, the judge sensibly saying that you are a waste of skin, you will never reform and that the taxpayers will be subsidising you for the rest of your life in prison or not. Hanging, it is simple, quick, effective and environmentally friendly as the hemp rope can be used time and time again. I know someone will say that piano wire also has good properties but, hemp is quicker and more merciful.



Furor Teutonicus said...

XX Anonymous said...

hemp is quicker and more merciful.


Bunny XX

EXACTLY why piano wire is better. Although personaly, I like playing with Oxycetelyne cutters.

And you are correct, third PROVED offences, no matter WHAT the offence, then: "It's the old swinging tree for YOU laddie/lassie!"

Anonymous said...

So what has happened to the campaign to abolish prison a sentence for women?

And it looks like prison does work, after all other cheap options have been exhausted.

I just hope she agrees to take her own clothes off when asked by the guard in prison or there will be more handwringing over an inhumane prison system.

Anonymous said...

How can a judge describe the thing as a "lady"?

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX Anonymous said...

I just hope she agrees to take her own clothes off when asked
30 August 2012 08:42 XX

I bet she will charge extra for THAT.

JuliaM said...

"...but, looking at her photo, that theory goes straight out of the window..."


"So "Back-up, back-up, back-up!". "

Oh, yes! I spread this mantra amongst all my friends too. It should be a habit you get into.

"So for 118 offences she serves 2403413852067701751593 years (plus a shade over eight months.) That'll learn her."

I see no compelling reason why she should walk the streets - if you look up 'recidivist' in a dictionary, there's probably a mugshot of her right next to it.

"I bet she will charge extra for THAT."
