Sunday 5 August 2012

I Just Know, From Scanning The Details Of This Story….

…that the kid’s names will be awesome!
Alecia Brown, 24, left two children orphaned when she lost control of her Peugeot and careered 8ft through the air before smashing into the huge steel frame on the M1 motorway.
Bring ‘em on!
After the case, Donna and Faye's mother's expressed outrage at the 'insultingly low' sentences. Elaine Morgan, who is now caring for Donna's 20-month old son, Du-Reece
Faye's mum Sarah York, who is now looking after three-year-old Krystelle
A future lap dancer or stripper, I presume?


ivan said...

I was going to say, who in their right mind would saddle their children with such names, but then, upon consideration, those in their right mind don't.

Bluebird said...

And to think my wife has vetoed the name Percival as a middle name for a future son. It's a darn site better than Du-reece or Krystelle. Oh while I'm here. I was in a supermarket recently and was shocked to hear that a mother had called their small daughter Lolita. FFS!! Talk about Div Nation.

Twenty_Rothmans said...

I am going to get all emotional here and wonder why people born with such deficient brains have functioning reproductive organs, whilst so many intelligent, well-adjusted women have to have all types of intrusive and expensive therapy to try to have a child.

It makes one shy away from believing in evolution, and consider that there is a God. And she's a malevolent socialist.

Bluebird said...

Twenty-Rothmans, or maybe people are following the wrong socialist god? The chavs are just picking up on an evolutionary advantage. In this case the ample food source is benefits without contribution either by payment in or useful work.

Dr Cromarty said...

I reckon there's a PhD for some enterprising soul wishing to track the downward social spiral of kids with shit names.

DuReece and Krystelle are straight out of the Napoleon Dynamite 'LaShawnah' stable.

The kids are doomed.

Noggin the Nog said...

I heard a disgustingly fat chav admonishing what I assume was her child in a shop the other day. The poor unfortunate was called Galaxy, apparently.

I shit you not.

Anonymous said...


We could not afford to have children. yet I am in the to 5% of income earners.

In Australia, I was in the top 3%, and it was the same there.

My nephews' school is only marginally less expensive than Eton.

I have deprived two beautiful, wonderful girls of families. People think that I am selfish, not having children. When it comes down to it, it's cowardice - that I might not be able to provide. No such fear features in the lives of these untermenschen.

When you have to get off your bum every morning and fight to keep your job, and you see people like this wandering around, fat on the sweat from your brow, as anathemic as it might seem to a libertarian, labour camps seem an attractive deterrent.

Anonymous said...

'Galaxy'? Ha ha ha ha ha ha - fantastic

Anonymous said...

Had there been no practical use for onomatopoeic sound effects, we might just as easily have called shit 'serendipity'.

Recognise the value in new names such as Du-reece, Leroytisha and Condoleezza. Bred on benefits, without any of the old disadvantages of parental responsibility, a sudden population explosion made it confusing to call them all Sambo.

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to, "That bloody women is legless, so there is no way that I am going to get in a car with her driving."? Instead, there may well be, "Weve had a great night, knocking back the booze which allows me to forget that I have two kids who rely on me but so bloody what?" No one these days accepts responsibility for their actions. No one forced these two, sadly now deceased, women to get into a car with a drunk knowing that that drunk was going to drive. The fact that neither was wearing a seat belt intimates that they were themselves too pissed to be able to put their seat belts on or were too pissed to care. They should also be given demerit marks for giving their offspring the names that they did - didin't the kids fathers have any say in this? A totally sad story in which no one comes out of with any credit.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous two posts above.

I'm the same. No breeding because I couldn't ever afford it on the way up.

Sadly, I think now that I should have been reckless and irresponsible.

It's a real regret.

Thanks Socialism. You reward the worst and tax the real workers to pay for it.

Woman on a Raft said...

A Roshanda by any other name.

Yes, you can predict what is likely to happen. Analytically speaking it is not the name which causes the trouble, but it is a good indicator of the trouble which has already been caused.

Anonymous said...

They should also be given demerit marks for giving their offspring the names that they did

They should have their clungies cauterised, you mean.

Woman on a Raft said...

Sadly, I think now that I should have been reckless and irresponsible. It's a real regret.

It's a regret for all of us. Broadly, you are the people who should be breeding since your values tend to make a society stable, rich, and tend to contain government. These values transfer along with mother's milk.

However, you've been out-subsidized and out-bred by the opposing camp. I don't think this has happened accidentally.

Sarton Bander said...


Once Eugenics became tainted for the left and difficult to blame on the right they decide that they still needed to meddle, but this time they were going to oppose those nasty forces of Darwinism, rather than try and guess where they were headed and speed them up.

The word for meddling to oppose Darwinian forces is "dysgenics".

banned said...

Zowie Bowie now goes by the name Stuart(?) Jones, his dad Daves' previous surname.

JuliaM said...

"I am going to get all emotional here and wonder why people born with such deficient brains have functioning reproductive organs, whilst so many intelligent, well-adjusted women have to have all types of intrusive and expensive therapy to try to have a child."

Nature is indeed cruel...

"The poor unfortunate was called Galaxy, apparently."

If it has a brother, will he be dubbed Mars?

"Whatever happened to, "That bloody women is legless, so there is no way that I am going to get in a car with her driving."?"

ell, quite! At least they only killed themselves, and not some poor innocent.

JuliaM said...

"I don't think this has happened accidentally."

Dysgenics, as Sarton points out ... :/