Wednesday 29 August 2012

Combs Don't Kill People, Urban Savages Kill People, Judge Cooke...

Nearly a year to come to trial. But I could have predicted the reasons behind it, and the outcome. I could have predicted the sullen-faced scowl of the guilty party too:
The teenage girl who murdered a 16 year-old rival by stabbing her through the skull with a hair comb was named for the first time today.
Rebecca Douglas was just 15 when she plunged the steel prong into the left temple of Julie Sheriff during a petty row in which she accused the victim of spreading gossip about her having sex with boys.
Ahhhh, the fairer sex! And once again, all the hallmarks of the gang-related savagery we are so used to seeing in the males:
She confronted the victim outside a betting shop in south London and demanded: 'What do you think you are doing in Clapham?'
The girl then asked her friends to hold her bag and Blackberry mobile phone before stabbing Julie in the shoulder and the head.
Jailing her for just 10 years (will she serve it? Unlikely!) the judge had a warning for parents:
Judge Nicholas Cooke warned parents to be aware of the dangers to young girls...
Of the threat posed by gang culture?

Of the need to move their lives (as so many multicultural cheerleaders have done) out of the urban environments blighted by gang culture?

Well, no:
...wearing such combs as 'fashion accessories'.
He said: 'We heard evidence that a pintail comb can be used as a lethal weapon.
'We heard it can be worn in the hair as a fashion accessory.
'It can be as effective a killing instrument as a stiletto knife. It is not a very nice thing to have in your hair.'
Christ! What can be done about our country, when - rather than put a handle on what's really behind this - out judiciary would rather prattle on about the dangers of hair fashion accessories?


Anonymous said...

The violence prevalent within society, predominantly within our youth, is sadly the direct result of immigration into it of non white peoples, overwhelmingly from African and Afro Caribbean societies.

Our elites knew this would be so.

Enoch Powell warned the UK of this, but sadly wasn't part of the 'Big Club'. Instead of getting a prime minister who loved his people, culture and Nation, we got Heath, followed by the rest up to today's.

The judge also left out zero school discipline and more importantly, the destructiveness of American, black, vulgar culture that's been heavily promoted through the MSM. Not only has it turned most of the black youth within this country into an angry, aggressive, black pantheresque force, but it's rapidly turning white and asian youth into wiggers and erm 'asiggers' too!

More importantly look at where in the country, the highest percentage of crime is and you will find it's also the areas of high immigration - cities.
Not all blacks commit crime, but sadly they are far more likely to commit it than their white peers.

One cannot mention this simple fact for it would brandish them a racist. The killing of this young Sierra Leonian is a tragedy but a signification of a complete lack of respect for life amongst the black, inner city youth within the UK.

This is just the tip of the iceberg as we see 'white flight' from our cities to escape the violence. Now go back to what Enoch Powell spoke of in his 'rivers of blood' speech to find out he was 100% correct in his prediction.
The England I know is dead. 16 years in London was enough for me. I watched Harry Brown with Michael Cain the other day and it reinforced my reasons for leaving. A brilliant film, to say the least but sadly anti white propaganda. Were the story a portrayal of reality, the gang would have been 95% black.



Noggin the Nog said...

Typical black behaviour.

I notice the MSM have not given the crime stats for the stab-fest that it the Nottingham Hill open air drug dealing competition.

Wonder why?

Rob said...

Ban knitting needles.

Ancient+Tattered Airman said...

You lot clearly fail to see the benefits of diversity in our enlightened and modern culture such as er.. or um...

jaded said...

Tough on combs,tough on the causes of combs.

Leg-iron said...

That comb is no more dangerous than a HB pencil or any other kind of pointed stick. The pencil is in fact deadlier because it has a rubber tip so you don't hurt your hand when you ram it in.

But these days, it's always the weapon, never the idiot holding it, that gets the blame.

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX Ancient+Tattered Airman said...

You lot clearly fail to see the benefits of diversity in our enlightened and modern culture such as er.. or um... XX

But HAYY!! You can buy a Carribean curry (or a kebab in Germany) at 04:00. Is THAT not worth putting up with a crime rate that makes Chicago during prohibition appear like a nursery school outing, for?

Anonymous said...

To bend over backwards to be fair to the judge, the murderer was sentenced to serve 'at Her Majesty's pleasure' i.e. indefinitely which is effectively the harshest punishment that can be imposed on a minor. He also lifted reporting restrictions. The fact that only a pitiful amount of time will in fact be served is largely out of his hands. I think he should be excused for not pointing out that Enoch was right in his speech.

Anonymous said...

I read the story before clicking on the link to see a picture of her, and I was right should have bet money BLACK! thanks you left wing twats for all this lovely diversty.

Anonymous said...

black people....

JuliaM said...

"...sadly the direct result of immigration into it of non white peoples..."

Oh, I doubt we can lay all of it at this door. Crime wasn't unknown when this country was as white as a toothpaste ad...

"I notice the MSM have not given the crime stats for the stab-fest that it the Nottingham Hill open air drug dealing competition."

They were too busy with the 'Essex Lion'.

"But these days, it's always the weapon, never the idiot holding it, that gets the blame."

Spot on!

"Is THAT not worth putting up with a crime rate that makes Chicago during prohibition appear like a nursery school outing, for?"



Furor Teutonicus said...

XX Oh, I doubt we can lay all of it at this door. Crime wasn't unknown when this country was as white as a toothpaste ad...XX

Perfectly correct. But when, as in Berlin, for example, 80 to 90 % of all "street crime" is comitted by a part of the population who are only SUPOSSED to form 10% of the total, and NON of them have been here longer than one and a half generations, most even shorter, then....

(And I am not talking of the Japanese here, nor, as opposed to U.K, black Africans(!))

Farenheit211 said...

FT I agree with you there. We need honesty in these matters.

I think many people are getting cheesed off with the usual guff emanating from politicos that says that all groups are represented in all crimes. Yeah that's probably technically correct but certain groups are more heavily represented in terrorism, fraud, muggings gun violence,organised noncing etc and it does no good to brush this information under the carpet. A society cannot deal with such problems without bringing them out into the open and examining them.

It does no good for the minority communities whose bad behaviour isn't tackled (crims affect minority groups too) and it does no good for the majority population to see their politicos lie and say 'there is no problem' when there plainly is a problem.