Tuesday 7 August 2012

People Watching! More Than Just A Hobby, In Brighton…

The council has announced plans to transform the small park opposite St Bartholomew’s Church into a lively, safe and successful public space.
Sounds great! Crack on with it, then.

Oh. Wait. You want what?
The council wants people to carry out some of the fieldwork on a new project to transform Ann Street and Providence Place.
Volunteers will receive free training on how to observe and record people using the area, which they must complete before they can go on to take part in the survey.


Furor Teutonicus said...

I have just volunteered myself;

"Dear Sir,

I feel I am well qualified to volunteer for this work.

As ex Stassi, I have long experience of spying on people. Which I know will be of great use to you in this project.

Will we have communication with the local police, to ensure timely arrest of offenders? Will we be allowed to interogate offenders ourselves, another field in which I have vast experience, or will that be up to the police?

Please provide any further details which you feel I may need before starting as a volunteer informer.

Yours faithfully,


I will let you know if I recievs a reply. :-)))

Ancient+Tattered Airman said...

Once the observation studies have been performed the military will know where to lay mines and set up fixed lines for machinegun fire. Any new paint marks appearing on buildings will be for the benefit of the infantry as they will show the limits of the arcs of fire allocated to each squad.

JuliaM said...

"I will let you know if I recievs a reply."


"Once the observation studies have been performed the military will know where to lay mines and set up fixed lines for machinegun fire."


Furor Teutonicus said...

Just had an answer;


Thanks for your interest in the Lively Cities project.

Please fill in the online application form available at www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/livelycities

We look forward to receiving your form.

Please feel free to get in touch should you have any queries.

Kind regards,

Paula Goncalves
Senior Planning Officer
Planning Projects Team
Brighton & Hove City Council
Hove Town Hall, room 414
Norton Road, Hove
Email: paula.goncalves@brighton-hove.gov.uk
Tel: (01273) 292352