Wednesday 22 August 2012

I Remember When Pizzerias Were Called ‘Luigi’s’ Or ‘La Trattoria’….

A teenager is seriously ill in hospital after he was beaten repeatedly by a gang of thugs armed with hammers. The 19-year-old was targeted while he was eating with four friends in a pizza takeaway in Evington Road, Leicester. Police said a group of men burst into Kortoba pizzeria
… and attacked the teenager and his friends shortly after 11.30pm on Thursday.
Hmmmm. I wonder why?
A number of men who said they knew the injured man said the attack had been carried out by a gang armed with hammers. One said the 19-year-old was struck repeatedly with a hammer as he lay unconscious and bleeding on the floor of the takeaway. Another said the gang which carried out the attack was up to 30-strong.
They outnumbered the target group by 6 to 1 and still needed weapons..?
A nearby resident, who asked not to be named, said: "There are too many gangs around here at night – young men who think they are gangsters.
"This is a shocking incident and I really hope the young man gets better."
A business owner said…"This is a good neighbourhood but, unfortunately, at night there are some bad people hanging around."
Ah. No descriptions of the miscreants, of course. So, as always with local newspapers, we turn to the comments:
by Rachel_Leics “not the 1st time takeways in this area have been under attack the police should watch this area more :( x”
Well, indeed! I wonder why they don’t?
by DavidEnderby “Lots of slovak roma gypsy gangs hang around this part of town from early evening until the early hours I am reliably informed. Their skin colour varies from light to tanned/swarthy to asiatic. Not that any connections are being made to this horrific incident of course.”
Aha. That’ll be why, then.


Anonymous said...

The benefits of a multi-culti society? We get little bits of ethnic savagery to entertain use. As long as they are only knocking chunks out of each other I don't care.

Anonymous said...

It's kind of traditional...
Gipsies, Tramps, Beggars, and Cours des Miracles, Part 1 & 2

Entire book:

Jock Coats said...

In Oxford we've just had something called "caffe Corsica" open, and they advertised for "Polish pizza chefs". Nobody could work out whether they meant people who could cook some little known variant called a "Polish pizza" or whether they were illegally advertising for someone from Poland to cook regular pizzas. So, maybe there are "Polish pizzas" after all :)

Tatty said...

Jock - Maybe they were after someone with a duster and a can of Mr Sheen ? :)

WPC Jilted said...

daft.i neva go out after dark cos i can make a saddle off donuts and a packet of dijestifs last the hole shift.

JuliaM said...

"As long as they are only knocking chunks out of each other I don't care."

I wouldn't either, except they are a drain on the emergency services.

"...and they advertised for "Polish pizza chefs". "
