Thursday 9 August 2012

What Puzzles Me Most About This Story….

…is that no-one seems to find it strange or disturbing that a homeless barman leaving work has, in his possession, a ‘hi tech catapult’!

He must make the strangest cocktails ever
Addressing the gulls Sundeep Thind, defending, said: "He is a bit discriminatory towards them.
"He is someone who gives an example of Bristol as a clean city and people take pride in the way it appears. He finds seagulls are quite irritating and quite a nuisance in the sense they rip open rubbish bags and make the place untidy.
"On this day he got fed up with them and decided to deal with them in this way.
"He told police in interview he killed a seagull. He was being honest and truthful.
"He doesn't think there is anything wrong with it but clearly he knows he does not want to go through this again."
I can’t help but wonder what he’s on, to regard Bristol as ‘a clean city’, too!


John Tee said...

Addressing the gulls Sundeep Thind, defending, said: "He is a bit discriminatory towards them.
"He is someone who gives an example of Bristol as a clean city

I take it there is no requirement for lawyers to speak English?

ivan said...

Has the UK now descended so low that knocking off a few seagull pests is considered an offence and what's the bit about destroying the catapult?

I am lost for words to describe the person that rang the fuzz to complain but then I suppose that is what you get as a result of all the brainwashing of the last 15 years.

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX Sundeep Thind, defending, XX

There goes another one, just like the other one....

XX He is a bit discriminatory towards them. XX

So, what "racial group" will you be trying to fit THEM into then?

Tatty said...

Ah but a person "of no fixed abode"" doesn't mean homeless person. More likely that he just does not pay for his board and lodgings anywhere in particular for any length of time.

Instead, mooching off family and friends on a day-to-basis freeing up earnings for pleasureable pursuits. Like killing seagulls.

One of life's scavengers who killed another of his kind. The irony.

Furor Teutonicus said...

Hope he does not let them go to waste.

A nice bit of seagull pie is great, when done properly.

Woman on a Raft said...

How is he at pigeons?

JuliaM said...

"I take it there is no requirement for lawyers to speak English?"

As FT points out, it may not be his first language. Not that that makes him so very different from English lawyers, mind you!

"Ah but a person "of no fixed abode"" doesn't mean homeless person. More likely that he just does not pay for his board and lodgings anywhere in particular for any length of time."

Ah, that's true.

"How is he at pigeons?"
