Sunday 19 August 2012

How To Torpedo Your Own Argument….

Richard Sudan in the ‘Indy’:
…. the pathologist who conducted two post mortem examinations on Ian Tomlinson, the newspaper seller and father of nine who was killed in 2009 at the G20 protests in London after being pushed to the ground by a police officer, faces being struck off after a tribunal panel of medical professionals noticed a number of key errors in his work and found him to be ‘dishonest’.
This prompts him into a rant about Tomlinson’s death, the IPCC, the Harwood trial, the need for reform of the Met, etc, etc. And also this:
Among other factors (there are too many to go into here) we know institutional racism still exists. We know where it exists. If you’re black in this country you’re still almost thirty times more likely to be stopped and searched by the police. Of those stopped and searched the percentage of searches that result in a conviction is a small percentage. If some people cannot be persuaded that this is actually immoral, then what about the economic argument? What about the money being wasted on stopping and searching so many innocent people? What about the fact that this racism affects the whole of society and not just those being mistreated and victimised? What about the legacy it leaves and has already left? What about focusing on inclusiveness within the upper ranks of the Met? Would a greater diversity in leadership among senior officers bring a better level of understanding on the ground?
Yes, it’s all ‘institutional racism’.

Oh, wait. The name of that pathologist, if you please, Richard?
Freddy Patel
Ah. Thanks.

Clearly it was that dreaded institutional racism that kept him in his job long after the concerns were raised..?


Anonymous said...

of those stopped and searched the percentage of searches that result in a conviction is a small percentage

Same goes for airline security, drink-drive testing.

Would a greater diversity in leadership among senior officers bring a better level of understanding on the ground?

Richard Sudan is right. Look how well it works:

Anonymous said...

A belated gold medal in the 1000 words whataboutery contest for Richard there surely.

Meanwhile back on planet factual, institutional racism cannot be explained better than this Civitas press release does it :

"Police officers who queried the terms of this allegation were treated to a Kafkaesque response in which honest belief in one's innocence became the best evidence of guilt"

And no quote from Doris Lawrence ?

WPC Jilted said...

you need too be lerned too be a police oficcer before you can spot a video what as been rigged.i saw it strait away and i turned too my man and said that video as been rigged i did.the old days were best when me and freddy would play gess how e croaked.freddy wud gess and i wud shake my head till e was rite.

swanseajock said...

Would a greater diversity in leadership among senior officers bring a better level of understanding on the ground?.Great shout, lets get more like Ali Dizai into the upper echelons of the met police, that will stop corruption

swanseajock said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Is not any call for diversity actually racist?

Anonymous said...

Is not any call for diversity actually racist?

Anonymous said...

Melv, shouldn't you be writing your weekly letters to all your 'vulnerable' friends on Rule 63 @ HMP Wormwood Scrubs? That or you're off the meds again! Where have you been? On 'holiday' - voluntary admission of course. N-U-U-U-U-R-S-E!

MTG said...

Good morning, Ranter.

I am touched in a different way, old chap. That you should endure yet another night of a result of concerns for my welfare, is the sorry lot of a former constable unable to find anything useful for those 'remaining years'.

And the world moves on, Ranter. The present generation of dark uniforms choose to smear through insinuations of sexual coercion and sexual molestation. Gosh, did nobody tell you?

JuliaM said...

"Look how well it works:"


"Is not any call for diversity actually racist?"

As Leg-Iron once memorably put it, employ people, don't collect them!