Thursday 30 August 2012

When Did ‘Equality For Women’ Become ‘Women’s Superiority’?

Helen Pankhurst uses CiF to ensure her famous relative spins at 1000 RPM:
As the great grand-daughter of Emmeline Pankhurst, and grand-daughter of Sylvia Pankhurst, it is no surprise that a passion for women's rights runs in my veins.
And how is that expressed?
… many of the women who "acted" as feminist agitators at the opening ceremony will be campaigning on 24 October, joining UK Feminista's lobby of parliament. The event will give women and men from across the UK the opportunity to speak truth to power by lobbying their MPs en masse. Parliament will be treated to a chorus of voices calling for an end to the attacks on women's rights and greater commitment to equality.
Who knew there even was an ‘attack on women’s rights’? I guess it must have passed me by…
Eighty-four years on from all women gaining the vote, we are still outnumbered four to one in parliament, and 42 years after winning the legal right to equal pay, women still face a full-time pay gap of 15%, while 40% of women of ethnic minorities live in poverty. In addition, up to three million women and girls in the UK experience rape, domestic violence, stalking or other violence each year.
Seems like the same old bovine byproducts that have been debunked time and again.
The result of all this is a shredding of women's economic independence, and erosion of the fundamental right to live free from violence.
Wow! I didn’t realise women had such a right! Clearly, men needn’t apply. Who cares about them facing violence..?

Clearly not Helen and her shrill chums.
That's why my daughter Laura and I will be reunited with the "Olympic suffragettes" on 24 October, joining UK Feminista to lobby for an end to the backsliding on women's rights. A future the suffragettes would have been proud of is possible – it's time parliament stepped up to help build it.
I don’t think the suffragettes – who faced real hardship, real inequality and took real, painful action – would consider your manufactured grievances anything more than the whinging of women who don’t even know they are born.


Anonymous said...

Tell Helen Pankhurst that I am looking for love and romance with a gal who can cook and clean the hoose.

DJ said...

Yep, they're promoting wimminz economic independence by demanding the right to live as the kept women of Big Daddy State.

Sometimes you've just got to go with the old ones: 'you keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means'.

Farenheit211 said...

It's an incredible social tragedy that Left Wing Feminism (there are other kinds I might add) has not helped women in any way by removing men from the familial and social equation. By doing this the FemLeft therefore helped to make men more irresponsible in their outlook to life and that has impacted most negatively on many women's lives.

When you look at the conditions that many women face in much of the world, and let me emphasise this especially in the Islamic world, this sort of demo does begin to look like small beer.

And on the subject of the LeftFems I bet you could count on the fingers of one hand the high profile supporters of this cause who have have spoken out against the abuse of women both overseas and within our own ghettos.

This is just student politics on a grander scale but sadly one with influence.

Dr Cromarty said...

They love the hereditary principle, Lefties, don't they? Pankhursts and Benns - got to keep it in the family. It's 'in the blood', see.

How do you think they'd respond to a Tory using language like that?

Farenheit211 said...

Dr Cromarty they'd probably respond with the explosion of bile, topped off with added hatred with an added drizzle of mindless violence. Talk about double standard.

David Gillies said...

Like most question-begging, this stupid venal woman's rant is based on the ignorance and laziness of her audience. Many of her so-called statistics are either made up or not as they seem. The gender pay gap is a particularly egregious example. When like-for-like comparisons are made, never-married, childless women earn more than their male counterparts. To the extent a gap exists, it is wholly explicable by the difference between part-time and full-time work. Another lazy trope is the "x% of ethnic minority women live in poverty" line. Naturally, if the reasons behind this were examined then the collision between the po-faced shibboleths of multi-culti diversity and the reality of unassimilated barbarian parasite cultures would have most of the neo-Suffragette harridans shrieking on a chair with their skirts pulled over their heads.

Jiks said...

"...up to three million women and girls in the UK experience rape, domestic violence, stalking or other violence each year."

I strongly suspect a similar number of men in this country would also fit in this category but, hey, we are not real people just men.

Especially the stalking, jeez...

Noggin the Nog said...

I think she should prove her feminist credentials by throwing herself under a race horse.

JuliaM said...

"Sometimes you've just got to go with the old ones: 'you keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means'."


"... I bet you could count on the fingers of one hand the high profile supporters of this cause who have have spoken out against the abuse of women both overseas and within our own ghettos. "

Got it in one!

"They love the hereditary principle, Lefties, don't they? Pankhursts and Benns - got to keep it in the family."


"The gender pay gap is a particularly egregious example."

And no matter how many times it's debunked, it gets trotted out again and again by the intellectually lazy or dishonest...

"I think she should prove her feminist credentials by throwing herself under a race horse."

It's a bit hard on the horse. Couldn't we make it a car?

Anonymous said...

The feminists never fought for equality and representation in the trenches. It is about 'selective' equality.

Men are vastly under-represented as primary carer's for their family...but for mothers it is still 'their' children and not dads.

If they want to spend their small amount of time on this earth wrapped up in a delusional cause then i pity them.

Farenheit211 said...

Anoymous, it depends on what sort of feminism you are talking about. Yes, there always were the man hating separatists, and sadly they have been on the ascendant at various points in history, but there are other types of feminist who do not think in this narrow way and are politically and socially pluralist in their outlook.

I agree with you about child care. It should be far easier for men to be the main child carer in families.