Thursday, 9 October 2014

Claire Hardaker Trolls* Sky News…

Looking over the 5,000-plus tweets from her @sweepyface account, there is clearly a fixation – even an unsettling obsession with the McCanns.
She describes them as neglectful parents, objects to their ongoing media appearances, and complains that they are profiting from their daughter’s disappearance.
All things I agree with – no doubt that makes me a ‘troll’ as well?
In short, her conduct would aggravate some and deeply offend others – but much the same could be said of select comedians, journalists and celebrities who can reach millions.
Indeed it could.
The crucial question is: did she incite others to harm the McCanns? Or threaten to abduct the McCanns’ other children? Or pose any clear menace?
On Twitter at least it doesn’t seem so.
So, like Anna Raccoon, one wonders why she was chosen as the sacrificial lamb in the case. Was it – as Claire intimates – because she was easy to find?
At times, their behaviour may border on loathsome, but a news team with a high-profile journalist at the helm is not the way to bring about justice.
Indeed. And so we must ask – why was a high-profile journalist despatched?

* using the media’s definition of the word


Anonymous said...

The stench of demands from McCanns and their repulsive PC pals in this is almost overwhelming

John M said...

Leveson hasn't exactly fixed this media problem has it.

I suppose that Sky News should just consider themselves lucky. I wouldn't just bound in an confront someone I didn't know out of the blue like that, someone who might have 'problems'

But no doubt Claire Hardaker would also have been guilty in the press if she'd pulled a weapon out and gunned down the entire Sky News team... but at least it might make other hacks think twice.

As it is, I doubt anyone at Sky News is sleeping any different, knowing that they have triggered a suicide.

Anonymous said...

I've read through the archive of @SweepyFace tweets (does that make me obsessive?) I simply cannot find anything remotely 'threatening' or 'abusive', she was just stating her opinion (and actually comes across as a nice person). Same with the posts that she left on Facebook (under her own name, so hardly 'anonymous'). All she did was disagree with the *ahem* 'accepted' account of what happened, well so do 1000's upon 1000's of people. Personally, I think at the very least the McCanns are guilty of neglect, so why no Social Services involvement? If it had been anyone else there most DEFINATELY would have been. So why not in this case? Things just don't add up and they haven't from the very beginning. I also don't understand how you can 'troll' someone who has no presence on Social Media. Maybe it's a case of some crap journo in dire need of a dictionary? Maybe Mrs Leyland was too clever? Maybe she asked too many uncomfortable questions?

I saw the report when Brunt ambushed the poor woman outside of her own home, it just felt all wrong. It made me feel very uncomfortable.

At the risk of being labelled a conspracy nutter, the whole thing reeks of collusion and cover-up. I don't know, Freemasons, Common Purpose, something even more sinister? Or just blatant classism and a very expensive PR machine? Whatever it is, something is rotten and it wasn't just Brenda Leyland who thought so. Suppose we'll just have to wait and see.

Questions, questions.

I Guess I must be a 'vile troll' too?

andy5759 said...

As with Holocaust 'denial', blaspheming the McCanns will become a crime if they get their way.

Dioclese said...

She was very easy to find. Sky's in depth investigative ace reporter spotted her from an article in the Leicester Mercury. Easy money....

JuliaM said...

"The stench of demands from McCanns and their repulsive PC pals in this is almost overwhelming"

There's a story here, I'm sure. But no-one seems interested in it...

"Leveson hasn't exactly fixed this media problem has it."

It's not muzzled them like they hoped, no...

"...I simply cannot find anything remotely 'threatening' or 'abusive', she was just stating her opinion (and actually comes across as a nice person)."

With - as we now know - some troubles. Social media is unforgiving enough, but the MSM is still the Great White shark to its piranha.

"She was very easy to find. Sky's in depth investigative ace reporter spotted her from an article in the Leicester Mercury. Easy money...."

There's a lot of social media getting into the papers & news lately. It's inevitable.

Patroller said...

Disabled toilet. Never defy the Patroller.