Friday 17 October 2014

You’re Quite Right, Essex Police Didn’t Cause Your Son’s Death…

He did.
Graham Philpott said: “It was my daughter, Hayley, who badgered us to pursue this. We were just devastated.
“It has been difficult to come to terms with Trevor’s death. The police failings have made it difficult for us to get closure. There were so many ‘what ifs’.”
Like, I suppose, ‘Oh, what if my son hadn’t taken illegal drugs & mixed them with someone else’s medication (probably bought from the same drug dealer) at a friend’s house’, perhaps?

Still, would £4000 of taxpayer’s money help? Go on, I bet it would!
Mr Philpott’s family launched legal action under the Human Rights Act and have been given an out-of-court settlement Mr Philpott’s father, Graham Philpott, 63, said: “For us it is not about the money. It is about getting justice.
“We wanted it brought into the public domain that Essex Police did an injustice to our son and just treated him like a number.”
Or like a waste of oxygen druggie loser. Which he clearly was.


MTG said...

Manifest in this payment is the ease with which Essex police extricate themselves from an embarrassing situation...with a generous helping of public money.

Even at the zenith of their staffing levels, it is now evident that many police 'services', such as S Yorks and Greater Manchester, were idly negligent whilst Christian young were being raped and violated en masse.

There is no reason to think that the same blend of corruption, incompetence and/or sloth, did not also impact on the availability of illegal drugs. Indeed, corrupt plod have made fortunes by returning seized drugs to 'market' and ensuring the expansion of this destructive trade.

I take issue with your point as a result of this wider context of police corruption/ineffectiveness impacting on society, Julia.

Anonymous said...

"It's not about the money" says druggies dad-so I bet he has donated it either to a rehab centre or to victim support as his son probably thieved to support his habit.

Anonymous said...

...and Melvin sang ' Doo doo do - doo - do do - doo doo doo - do - do do .....'

MTG said...

@ Anonplod

May I always be the last to deny a specimen his view out of the jar.

Anonymous said...

@MentalMTG: Whatevah ya mad old fruit!

Anonymous said...

' Doo doo do - doo - do do - doo doo doo - do - do do .....'

JuliaM said...

"...the ease with which Essex police extricate themselves from an embarrassing situation...with a generous helping of public money. "

Sadly so!

"...I bet he has donated it either to a rehab centre or to victim support ..."

Ha ha ha ha!