Thursday 23 October 2014

The Tyranny Of The Minority…

An online petition garnering just 65 signatures was enough to sway the administration of the UK’s most famous music festival, helping to convince Emily Eavis that the ceremonial garb should not be treated as meaningless fancy dress.
The Glastonbury website has since listed “Indian headdresses” , alongside cigarettes, candle flares and flags as items not to be sold in its traders section “without prior authorisation or discussion with the markets’ management”.
Yes, it’s the continuing crusade about the use of Indian headdresses.

And just 65 people are enough to rule their sale ‘unacceptable’. Remember when Glastonbury was counter-culture, do as you please, freedom of expression, love alternative cultures & all that hippy garbage?


Furor Teutonicus said...

XX An online petition garnering just 65 signatures was enough to sway the administration XX

Nice to see Democcracy is alive and well in the Fascist republic* of Britain.

* "Yes "Republic".... you do not really think the Puppet in Buck house has any say do you?

Longrider said...

The hippies became the establishment. When did you miss that one?

DavefromTacoma said...


Excuse me but I'm going to rant a bit here. And I may use some bad language too.

I'm half American Indian (Souix and Northern Cheyenne). I am so fucking sick of all these white people trying earn merit badges for trying to be so "right-on" when it comes to issues about Indians.

Guess what, if they never sold another one of those cheap knock-off headdresses, or if they changed the name of that NFL team in Washington, it wouldn't materially effect any Indian anywhere. Those white people who make those issues a big deal must think us Indians are a trivial people who get upset about silly things. Believe me, no Indian I know of is burning with anger over those issues.

So what does anger me as an Indian? The main issue, to me, is how many obstacles the federal government puts in the way when it comes to opening a private business on a reservation. It's been said that it's easier to open a nuclear reactor one mile outside a reservation than it is to open a fast-food place one mile inside a reservation. I guess our great white fathers in Washington, DC feel they have to protect us dumb Indians from Subway or Burger King. (Never mind that we Indians operate multi-million dollar casinos.)

Of course no "right-on" white person will raise a word about making economic development easier on the rez. No, they only care about trivial and silly "issues". Fuck 'em.

DavefromTacoma said...

Jeez, and I mis-spelled "Sioux". I guess that's what happens when the rant-o-meter is pegged out at max.

andy5759 said...

I knew all along that we would eventually be ruled by acid heads. Far out, man.

JuliaM said...

"The hippies became the establishment. When did you miss that one?"

Ain't it always the way?

"Those white people who make those issues a big deal must think us Indians are a trivial people who get upset about silly things."

Getting offended on others' behalf is the new progressive pasttime.

"Jeez, and I mis-spelled "Sioux". I guess that's what happens when the rant-o-meter is pegged out at max."


"I knew all along that we would eventually be ruled by acid heads. Far out, man."

Worse! They'd make sense a time or two.