Monday 27 October 2014

Thanks, Pat, That’s More Votes For UKIP!

Pat Rackley, an independent Labour councillor, stormed out of a full council discussion on affordable homes after UKIP councillor Linda Allport Hodge blamed mass immigration into the country on the high number of homes needed to be built.
Mrs Allport-Hodge said more than four million “foreigners” had moved to the UK since July 2010. Mrs Rackley stood up saying: “This is absolute racism, absolute racism. I am not listening to this,” before leaving the council chamber.
Keep it up, Labourites. Keep it up…


Ted Treen said...

I could make a comment saying the man has absolutely no idea of the laws of supply and demand, but thats too verbose.

I'll restrict it to:-

The man has absolutely no idea.

Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed, an identical ruckus looks promising at Huddersfield Town Hall.

Anyone can contribute towards a case of Bootlegger's best in a concerted effort to swell the already generous mouths and bellies in Ed's Champagne Party.

Dr Evil said...

These 4 million Europeans are white Caucasians like me and no doubt both councillors. So how can it be a racist comment? It's also true.

Dioclese said...

It annoys me intensely when Labour - or any other politician for that matter - plays the race card.

Chuka Umunna also annoys me intensely, and not just because he's black. He's a bigotted racist black. Of course we're not allowed to call him black because that's racist.


Ed P said...

Amusingly he's described as, "an independent Labour councillor".

That's a first: independent and Labour!

Stating verifiable facts cannot be racist (even if these incomers were not white as Dr Evil points out) - what an idiot.

Furor Teutonicus said...

Leaflet for the camps at Calais; "Pleas feel free to come to MY house, free board and lodging for all-comers! Thieving, raping, ebloa infected, car bomb building, exploding waist-coat making, soldier beheading coons especially welcome!" Mrs P. Rackley, Mrs P.Rackleys house, wherever, wherever.

JuliaM said...

"Fingers crossed, an identical ruckus looks promising at Huddersfield Town Hall. "

More please, faster!

"So how can it be a racist comment? It's also true. "

THAT'S the bit that she objects to!