Tuesday 21 October 2014

Why Doesn’t Someone Just Point Them To The ‘Guardian’ HQ?

One middle-aged woman, who would not give her name, said: “We are from Romania. We are in the European Union. We need help with a house. Give us a house and we won’t be here.”
You won’t be ‘here’ in Park Lane, no, but you’ll be ‘here’ in the UK forever!
Hakan Altay, whose Park Lane salon overlooks Marble Arch, said a quarter of his clients had taken their custom elsewhere because of the camp, costing him “tens of thousands”.
He said: “My business has been killed by them. When I ask them to leave, they just shout. They don’t understand. They sleep outside the shop and make my property smell of urine. They go to the toilet where they like.”
Mr Altay said the group was ruled by one or two members:
“They work with a leader who controls everything. Two Saturdays ago, there were 20 people sleeping outside my salon and the leader moved them into the subway.”
He has pleaded with the police and the council to remove the group but it has come to nothing, he said.
Of course it has. Their hands are (mostly) tied.
Nickie Aiken (Ed: Yes, the name should ring a bell), the council’s cabinet member for community protection, said the legislative powers available “allow some EU nationals to exploit a three-month window to stay here without making a positive contribution to London life."
More votes for UKIP, methinks!


Ian Hills said...

A final solution is desperately needed.

Anonymous said...

It's great that TPTB are getting a taste of what they've prescribed for the rest of us. May Hampstead be next, then I think Charlbury !

Anonymous said...

Nothing will be done until they start sleeping rough in Downing Street or the grounds of Buckingham Palace.

Furor Teutonicus said...

Take out the leaders.

I am sure there are a few "gangs" in the area that, for a few schekels, would only be too willing.

Anonymous said...

Jaded, I understand some of these vibrant folk sleep almost on 'The Yard's' doorstep? I can imagine that happening in the 1970's?

Anonymous said...

Winters coming,if they don't leave when asked turn a fire hose on them.

Anonymous said...

They could always kip down outside the Romanian Embassy. They will be closer to their own kind and the smell of sh*t and p*ss will make the diplomats feel more at home.

Furor Teutonicus said...

VV “We are from Romania. We are in the European Union. We need help with a house. Give us a house and we won’t be here.”VV

Hold up... fucking gypoes!!

This sort of scum are MEANT to live under bridges, or in rotting garden sheds along the main line.

Whyt is the bitch complaining about? It'S her CULTURE!

JuliaM said...

"It's great that TPTB are getting a taste of what they've prescribed for the rest of us."

Because it's sadly so very rare...