Wednesday 29 October 2014

Something’s Missing…

A successful Christian school has been warned it is to be downgraded by inspectors and could even face closure after failing to invite a leader from another religion, such as an imam, to lead assemblies, it is claimed.
Umm, what?
The small independent school in the Home Counties was told it is in breach of new rules intended to promote “British values” such as individual liberty and tolerance in the wake of the Trojan Horse scandal, involving infiltration by hard-line Muslim groups in Birmingham.
Ah, right. So, once again, collective punishment ensures Christian schools suffer for the actions of Muslims.

But wait! Of course, it’s not just Christian schools. Far from it:
It follows complaints from orthodox Jewish schools about recent inspections in which girls from strict traditional backgrounds were allegedly asked whether they were being taught enough about lesbianism, whether they had boyfriends and if they knew where babies came from.
Any complaints from Muslim schools..? No. Not in this report. That’s odd, isn’t it?
A Government consultation paper published in June, explaining the new rules, makes clear that even taking children on trips to different places of worship would not be enough to be judged compliant.
So…what on earth do they have to do..?


Ted Treen said...

'...promote “British values”...'

Of course: I remember as a child, my grandparents discussing nothing but Islam and the Koran...

From which cess-pit do they find these idiots?

Could I refute a charge of homicide with a plea of "Pesticide"?

Is there ANYONE sane left in the public sector?

Anonymous said...

Muhammad persecuted Christians. Making Christians listen to an Iman would be like making blacks listen to a supporter of Apartheid South Africa (although of course most people would rather be black in Apartheid South Africa than a Christian in Mecca)

Anonymous said...

"Of course: I remember as a child, my grandparents discussing nothing but Islam and the Koran..."

Before The Satanic Verses I suspect that most people in the UK wouldn't have been able to tell you that Muslim, Islam and Mohammed were related to the same religion.

There is a fantasy that British people in general were massively anti-Islam before Islam started to turn nasty in the UK.

Nope, most people didn't think about it from one decade to another and wouldn't have been able to distinguish much in terms of beliefs between Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims.

Happy days.

Ed P said...

As a member of the Pastafarian religion, I'd be happy to trot along and tell the little people about the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

But there are plenty of other non-Christian religions to pick without involving IS supporters.

Twenty_Rothmans said...

I'm a bit old in the tooth, but I'm all for it. We were told about that other religion at school.

Largely, that they were primitive and didn't wipe their bums properly. Once we'd finished with the Catholics, we moved onto the moslems.

JuliaM said...

"Of course: I remember as a child, my grandparents discussing nothing but Islam and the Koran..."

It MUST have featured in my RE classes...but I don't remember it!

"...although of course most people would rather be black in Apartheid South Africa than a Christian in Mecca..."

You'd have a longer life expectancy..

"Once we'd finished with the Catholics..."