Wednesday 9 May 2018

"Pussy Pass? Nyet"

Look who's back in the news....
Alexandra Woolnough, also known as Al Capone, attacked Robert Yeeles with a bottle as he sat drinking in her Brighton home.
The 42-year-old Russian claimed she attacked Mr Yeeles in self defence.
A jury at Hove Crown Court took less than an hour to convict her of the unprovoked attack.
How much less...? Was it 20 minutes?
“Officers came from Worthing believing she was the complainant,” Mr Pottinger said. She told police nothing had happened and they went on their way, he added.
She was jailed for two years and ordered to pay £3,000 in court costs and another £1,000 compensation to Mr Yeeles.
Bet she'll be out in half that.


James Higham said...

No indication if he looked at her a certain way or she just didn't like him?

JuliaM said...

Who knows?