Wednesday 23 May 2018

Well, He's Probably Better Behaved Than The Children....

A primary school has welcomed a four-legged friend onto its register - in the form chocolate Labrador George.
Research has shown the benefits of having therapy dogs in schools.
Well, I guess it depends on who trains them!
Head Nicola Nelson said: "To bring him into school we have conducted a full risk assessment and made sure parents were fully informed well in advance so they had the opportunity to tell us about any allergies or phobias children may have.
"The news of the school dog was very positively received and the children were very excited about him starting. We already have a long list of children who would like to take him out for walks.
"We are hope that George will provide our children with a sense of responsibility, whilst also helping to improve emotional wellbeing - for staff too."
You couldn't make it up....

One hopes some thought has been given to the poor animal's future welfare.


Bucko said...

Interesting that this was followed by the 'Make way for Ramadan' post. I can't imaging a support dog being very welcome in some of the schools round here. They all have 'allergies'

JuliaM said...

No problem! 'Class, please welcome Babe, our Emotional Support pig. Class...? Class!!'