Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Outrage Bus Stalls At First Corner....

An over officious traffic warden has been slammed on social media after slapping a parking ticket on a fire engine.
What? WHAT?! Is he a moron? Couldn't he see the building on fire and the men standing there with their hoses in their hands?!

Well, no. Understandably so.
It was parked outside Kings Leisure Centre in Moat Road, East Grinstead, on double yellow lines because the crew thought as an emergency service they were entitled to park there.
But only police vehicles are entitled to do so unless it is an emergency.
The on-duty crew were using facilities at the gym as East Grinstead Fire Station’s fitness area is undergoing renovation.
That paints a rather different picture, doesn't it? But the outrage works.
Mid Sussex District Council and WSFRS have now resolved the issue and the fine was withdrawn yesterday.

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