Tuesday 16 July 2013

And Now We Have DONA*...

A man was tasered by a Kingston police officer at a kennels in Chessington this afternoon after what a witness said was an argument over a dog.
Unusually for these sorts of arguments, it was an actual, four-legged, dog. Not that the other type wasn’t also involved.
A woman was pepper sprayed and also arrested on suspicion of assaulting a police officer. She was taken into custody.
The reason for the brouhaha is unknown, but the aggrieved party claims they are innocent of wrongdoing:
The man’s son, 19, said his father had been tasered. He said: "It kicked off. We have been tasered, pepper sprayed, everything.
"He has got all cuts along his arms.
"The police tried to take the dog and we was in the car and we was obviously not happy to let the dog go.
"That is when the woman tasered my dad, who is on crutches.
"They can see he is an old man, he is on crutches.
"Basically we are trying to take the dog out of the kennels. We are wanting to take her home.
"We have got all the papers. The dog should be with us."
I wonder just what sort of dog we are talking about here? And just why it was in kennels?

* Dogs of no appearance


Anonymous said...

Oh you was was you?


JuliaM said...

I suspect so! Can't wait to read more, should it ever make it to court.

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX That is when the woman tasered my dad, who is on crutches. XX

Well it ensures a better earth.