Wednesday 17 July 2013

Nicely Balanced. By Which I Mean, Chips On Both Shoulders...

Lemn Sissay, according to his bio at CiF, is a poet and playwright. He is an associate artist at the Southbank Centre.

He is also a believer that the police should be psychic.
Do some black people cause crime? Yes. Must black men in England be so radically mistaken for someone else? No. Get the criminals….
Well, they would, if they could only tell them apart from the ordinary man in the street without stopping them and asking questions!
For most people in England, and by "most people" I probably mean white people, driving your first car is an exciting rite of passage into adulthood. A black man in England soon learns that his rite of passage comes with overtly racist conditioning (there is nothing covert about being stopped regularly by the police). The black man must fall in line with the way things are. Ditto for catching taxis, by the way, and ditto for going out in clubs in Manchester.
But wait! Neither operation involves the police, does it? (Well, OK, maybe the last if it's certain venues  but still...).

So maybe the police are only doing what everyone else is doing? Profiling.
I've been stopped by the police more than 50 times between the ages of 20 and 40. An average of once every 134 days for 20 years. It is traumatic. "Is there anything wrong, officer?" Policeman reads my question as sarcasm or arrogance. He doesn't answer. Policeman asks questions, not the suspect.
And I suspect that’s true for all suspects. Whether they are as black as coal or as white as a lily.
At the beginning of this year I had my computer stolen. Question: did I go to the police station to report it? Two weeks ago I was attacked in Cutty Sark train station. I deliberately didn't blog about it but that's another matter. Question: did I report it to the police? If the police want their crime prevention figures to get better, stop stopping innocent black men because then we'll report the crimes we do see. Crimes that happen to us.
But not crimes that happen to anyone else?


Robert the Biker said...

If these nogs weren't the ones who commit something like 40% of the street crimes (muggings etc.)similar amounts of drug crime, dealing, and most of the random shootings around Peckham, there wouldn't be the Police interest.
Of course, we're supposed to pat them on the back, say "There, there Mr Black Man, it's all us terrible White peoples fault"
Well, sod that Mr Irate Jigaboo, fix up this marvelous society of yours with it's wall to wall scum and murderous shitheads of every form, and we may listen to your bleats.

Anonymous said...

"Lemn Sissay, according to his bio at CiF, is a poet and playwright. He is an associate artist at the Southbank Centre."

To put that into perspective, he can rhyme 'moon' with 'June', he can, allegedly, write plays - but are they any good? - and is not even a proper artist, but merely an 'associate' artist (does this mean he just hangs about with artists?). In other words, he hasn't got a proper job and does little, if anything, to help decrease the national debt. Perhaps my image of him is wrong, but I understand this would put him firmly to the political Left, where any form of authority is the enemy and he seeks to blame them for all ills. If he is the victim of crime, then report it for goodness sake, don't merely whinge about it on t'interweb and cause similarly inward looking, single issue focus groups to nod their heads sagely. If he's a victim he has made himself a victim yet blames everyone else. Tosser!

Twenty_Rothmans said...

Lemn Sissay, according to his bio at CiF, is a poet and playwright. He is an associate artist at the Southbank Centre.

That's a hell of a CV. I'd read it and think "This twat's left an 'o' ut f his wn name - that's careless". N jb fr yu snny!

Anonymous said...

Probably didn't report it as he was robbed by his own kind.

Leg-iron said...

Well, how about 70 stops in 28 months

And she's not even tanned.

JuliaM said...

"Of course, we're supposed to pat them on the back, say "There, there Mr Black Man, it's all us terrible White peoples fault""

Spot on!

"...not even a proper artist, but merely an 'associate' artist.."

Yes, not a term I've come across before.

"N jb fr yu snny!"


"And she's not even tanned."

The only colour the police really care about is blue.

Anonymous said...

"Blue"-like the Smurfs?

Pavlov's Cat said...

So did he report them to the police or not?

Given the location I'm guessing not as it would only reinforce the figures

John Pickworth said...

"I've been stopped by the police more than 50 times between the ages of 20 and 40. An average of once every 134 days for 20 years. It is traumatic."

Lemn Sissay, you're a twat.

I passed my driving test at just 17; a mere slip of a lad, white, blond haired and blue eyed... but looked like a 12 year old from a distance.

The police stopped me at least once or twice a WEEK. Traumatic? Hardly. Sometimes annoying, often inconvenient, but I always understood that the police were just doing their job. It did get to the point where I started leaving my battered 1966 dark purple Mini (yeah, I know) at home and walking the 4.5 miles to work each day... and back again. But did I write to the Chief Constable, my MP, the newspapers? No. I just got on with it and eventually a better car, ageing and a badly grown moustache (late 1970's remember) largely solved the problem.