Monday 1 July 2013

So…You Can Mention ‘Culture’ After All?

In mitigation the barristers put forward arguments on behalf of their clients but most acknowledged long prison sentences are due to be handed out today.
As I scanned down the list of predictable excuses, one caught my eye:
Anjum Dogar showed one of the girls he abused “kindness” and got caught up in the “culture of Cowley Road” , his barrister has claimed.
And…what ‘culture’ would that be?
Lee Karu QC, defending, said that Dogar had been convicted of crimes that only took place within a period of two years, from 2004 to 2006.
He said: “Our submission is that, given the nature of the culture of Cowley Road, he in 2004 was a 22-year-old young man. Two years after he was 24.
“The reality is he was caught up with the culture.
No, I'm still not seeing it. Can you be more specific about this ‘culture’? Can you describe it to me?
“If he had been fortunate enough not to be brought up in the Cowley Road area things may have been different, but that is where he was.”
*shrugs* I guess we’ll never know just what he meant…

Still, it is at least better than the old ‘But sir, they did it too, and much worse than me!'
Akhtar Dogar’s lawyer acknowledged his crimes were “extremely serious” but said the case involved other “worse forms of behaviour” .
Oh. Right. Well, that’s possibly the worst excuse since the parent-murderer demanded clemency due to the fact he was an orphan!
The defence barrister also said the crimes did not deserve an extended sentence.
He said: “The reality is two thirds of a long sentence is a long sentence in itself.”
Not long enough. Not by far.


Anonymous said...

what nationality are all these people? answers on a postage stamp.
No wonder my children are growing up with a fear and loathing of these people.

Fahrenheit211 said...

I see the lawyers and others pussyfooting around the fact that these beasts were Bearded Savages.

They are certainly NOT British by culture. They might have British passports but they are still savages.

Dr Cromarty said...

It might be noted about the 'culture of the Cowley Road' that there is a mosque on the Cowley Road.

Just out of interest, what do these useless journalists get paid for? Why are none of them joining the dots? What could be the possible connection between men of Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi and East African men? Where would they meet? You don't have to be a genius to work it out. Why can't the msm?

Connard said...

Seriously, you're hoping for NUJ members in the MSM to join the dots ?

Have you seen the NUJ guidelines for dealing with this kind of thing ?

(Warning, the section on poor, long-forgotten-by-the-MSM, Mary-Ann Leneghan is particularly distressing.)

Anonymous said...


I posted this a long time back at Laban's blog. The NUJ has gubmint guidance on the "reporting diversity" front....

Straight to the pdf:

This particular bit jumped out at me. Apparently journalists should be:

"seeing their role as more than
chronicling what happens.
Journalists will want to see it also as breaking down barriers to
understanding so that everyone can
live together in harmony."

blueknight said...

Has anyone said it is 'thankfully rare'

Dr Cromarty said...

The question was rhetorical. You know and I know they know the truth. They just can't/won't say it.

JuliaM said...

"No wonder my children are growing up with a fear and loathing of these people."

Seems like a sensible outlook.

"Just out of interest, what do these useless journalists get paid for?"

From Connard's links, it seems 'carrying water for the government's multiculti policies' is a major part of it...

"Has anyone said it is 'thankfully rare'"

I think even they realise that one can't be said with a straight face now!

Anonymous said...

When I was going to school in Cowley, 1966-72, there was nothing wrong with 'the culture of the Cowley Road'. It was, in the main, white working class, law-abiding,Christian...& stable.
The importation of a barbaric, backward, sexist, democracy-loathing, medieval political ideology is the reason for the cultural shift into the gutter. And it's not just the despicable 'grooming'; it's also the widespread drug-dealing by muslim gangs.
Meanwhile, less than a mile away, stands the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, a muslim fortress, complete with bayonet minaret, built on Saudi money, much-loved by the idiot prince, Charles Windsor, & his slippery little pal, Tariq Ramadan. Now I wonder if they'll be debating the ramifications of Operation Bullfinch, & the wrecked lives of vulnerable young white girls? Not bloody likely, not in the Quisling Clinic. I know, let's listen to some Taleban poetry on the BBC. Lovely. Five minutes to midnight at the oasis.

Anonymous said...

Channel 4 to broadcast call to prayer daily during Ramadamading dong later this year. Just increase the BP of everyone shall w e.....C***S !

Oswald Thake said...

"The importation of a barbaric, backward, sexist, democracy-loathing, medieval political ideology is the reason for the cultural shift into the gutter."

Or, the invasion of a savage tribe and a primitive superstition.

Anonymous said...

Once saw a prog on TV where a lecturer from a former Poly was standing in an African village bemoaning the fact that the dastardly Europeans had come in and made the local tribes change their dress and customs. You might be nodding along thinking, "Well, when in Rome", "tut, tut" etc until said waffler lightly skipped over the fact that one of their more colourful customs was cannibalism.
Surely he was going to at least note that cannibalism is in something of a different league to style of dress? Perhaps acknowledge that European influence was at least swings and roundabouts in this instance?

No, our host ploughed on as if nothing had happened.

I wonder what would happen if a cannibal tribe turned up in Britain wanting to continue its cultural ways and how many knots some people would tie themselves in to be accommodating (as long as it was someone elses loved ones forming the entree, of course).

Fahrenheit211 said...

Anonymous said...
Channel 4 to broadcast call to prayer daily during Ramadamading dong later this year. Just increase the BP of everyone shall w e.....C***S !

Not exactly the best decision in the world from C4. These broadcasts are going to increase tension not reduce them. They will not be seen as an attempt to build bridges but instead as yet another example of Quisling-like behaviour on the part of Channel 4.

Compare this pandering to how other minority religions are treated by the Media. The Chief Rabbi is allowed a ten minute spot late at night around Jewish New Year to give best wishes for the new year. It is miniscule compared to what the entitlement wallahs of Islam get. I want to see people with minority religions having access to the media but we hear far far too much about Islam. Why can't we hear the Hindus or the Baha'is or the followers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

It is not as if there are not dozens of Islam promoting cable and satellite channels out there, some of which are quite nasty in their attitudes and views.

This decision will make more people hate Islam not less.