Wednesday 24 July 2013

Maybe, Sarah, But They Aren't The Only Human Beings...

Sarah Hanson-Young on the new wave of Australian boat people:
I believe that Australians are a fundamentally good people who have been profoundly misled by the toxic politics that surrounds the refugee debate right now.
Ahhh, I see. That's the narrative now, when you want something the voters don't? Imply they've been led astray by dark forces?

Well, it's an improvement on the usual claims that they must be racist, I suppose...
This morning, the country woke up to the heartbreaking news that four more people have died because they were trying to reach the safety of Australia by boat. This latest tragedy came just days after another group of people, including a baby boy, drowned trying to make the same perilous journey to our shores.
We don't reward suicidal attempts, and nor should we. Not if we don't want more of them, and the Australian voter has shown that they don't.
We must urgently boost our efforts to safely bring people to Australia and give them sanctuary, as the Fraser government did after the Vietnam War.
Malcolm Fraser ... said that politicians who whip up fear and hatred because people are coming from overseas can only be doing so for two reasons; first, that they genuinely think we have something to fear if people from different cultures come to Australia, or second, that they are doing because they think it will help them to win votes. In both cases they shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the Australian parliament, he said.
Yes, there's clearly no need for politicians who listen to the will of the people in Parliament! They should listen instead to...people like you, I guess?
It is essential for us to remember that refugees are human beings, not numbers to be argued over for cheap political gain.
And the citizens of Australia, the voters that would rather not be swamped by economic migrants, or see their culture and laws changed to suit the newcomers?  The ones that vote for politicians determined to see that doesn't happen?

Are they not also human beings in your eyes, Sarah?


Fidel Cuntstruck said...

Are they not also human beings in your eyes, Sarah?

They probably are ... but just profoundly misled ones ;0)

I can remember Boat People arriving in the late '70s in the town I grew up in. I worked in the local Grocery wholesalers - a tender, hick-town 16 year old. The local teacher training college was run by a nice old Academic whose daughter decided it was her mission in life to bring a couple of families and find them homes and a new way of life - fair play to her, she persuaded people to finance and house them, very noble.

I was a bit taken aback by her, she was the first true Lefty I had come across (save those friends of my Parents who were of that persuasion) and I found her fervour a little perturbing if I'm honest, I was rather a callow and naive youth at the time

She had an arrangement with our Gaffer that they could come in the shop and buy food, booking it to an account as they didn't understand English money at first - christ knows how she swung that one - our Gaffer was a tight as a Duck's rear orifice but anyway.

They were actually quite nice people, a bit shell shocked I think and rather awed at their new surroundings but in they'd come, armed with their dictionaries and we muddled through. I spent quite a lot of time once trying to convince one of the older men that a bottle of Malt Vinegar was in no way the same thing as a bottle of Malt Whisky. He got quite agitated as he believed I was refusing to sell him Whisky, rather than trying to prevent him developing an addiction to Malt Vinegar :0) and it wasn't long after he left the shop that we got a visit from the young lady behind this grand scheme, telling us that we must not, under any circumstances, sell these people Alcohol - and that's when I think I began to understand the mentality of the Left - do good things, but everyone involved has to play by your rules!

I don't actually know what happened to the families that were shipped in, maybe they are still there - but I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

What about the human rights of people who want to travel to work without bombs going off?
As happened in 2005 due to mistaken immigration policies in the UK.

These boat people are not the same ones we had in the UK in the 70s.

SadButMadLad said...

So how is it Australia's fault that immigrants die before they reach Oz? Should the country be providing the boats for the immigrants to travel in?

Ian Hills said...

Send the next lot to Sarah's house, and we'll see how caring she really is.

Fahrenheit211 said...

Anon. The Vietnamese boat people who came to the UK were mostly hard working people fleeing from an oppressive communist regime. Their children have done well and become Doctors and generally made a contribution to the UK.

Those who travel by boat to Australia appear to be mostly Islamoscum, destined to do very little apart from ponce, whine and disrupt.

James Higham said...

Ahhh, I see. That's the narrative now, when you want something the voters don't? Imply they've been led astray by dark forces?

They never stop, never.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter wjhat you think. Based on UK experience there will be a floods or pigmented people -from Africa and Asia - mostly islamic -in the near future.
It will be claimed they are needed because of the ageing population.
And dissent will likely get you arrested for hate crimes.

JuliaM said...

"... telling us that we must not, under any circumstances, sell these people Alcohol - and that's when I think I began to understand the mentality of the Left - do good things, but everyone involved has to play by your rules!"

They can have freedom, but only on the left's terms :/

"These boat people are not the same ones we had in the UK in the 70s."

Yup. A very different proposition.

"Send the next lot to Sarah's house, and we'll see how caring she really is."


Furor Teutonicus said...

XX This morning, the country woke up to the heartbreaking news that four more people have died... trying to reach the safety of Australia by boat XX


NO, it's the job the Australian navy should be doing, SINKING the bastards! OUTSIDE the "could reasonably be expected to swim to coast" range.

microdave said...

"We must urgently boost our efforts to safely bring people to Australia and give them sanctuary"

Who ever said that has clearly never found themselves in the international arrivals queue at Darwin Airport late in the evening!

"Prisoner, Cell block H" comes to mind. And I was intending to spend my hard earned money there...