Saturday 6 July 2013

"...he won't be climbing over any fences in the future..."

'I still can't believe he climbed over the fence in the first place.'
You know what, love? Neither can I...

Picture amended at request of owner - go here for the full glory of the subject...

Reproduced without comment
Neighbours say this is the second time a child has been impaled on the same fence.
Slow learners in Chadwell Heath, obviously...
Two years ago a 14-year-old boy got his arm caught on a spike, but because it is private housing nobody has taken responsibility for it, they say.
 It's the responsibility of the 14 year old, actually. And his parents.
Ms Hassan said: 'I'm disappointed nothing was done about it before but even if it means I have to go out there with an angle grinder myself I will.
Good. I hope they throw your arse in jail for criminal damage.
'I couldn't live with myself if it happened to another child and what if its not a near miss next time.'
Listen, you useless irresponsible parent, it won't 'happen to another child' unless that child trespasses! Spiked metal fence is there to say 'keep your brats off my property'.

So do so.


The Jannie said...

It says a lot for the quality of parent when they'll allow him to be paraded in public looking like that.

chris said...

Looking at that picture, I not sure the inverted commas in obesity 'crisis' are merited....

MTG said...

His future dependence upon State munificence rests heavily on a career in radiator hugging...if he can only build on those hanging folds of adipose tissue.

Anonymous said...

Was there a pie on the other side ?

Woman on a Raft said...

In this case it seems to be saying "you can't bring a vehicle through here except in an emergency" if I've read the road correctly.

The railings are in fact a gate but it has probably been padlocked. It is at the very end of Heathfield Park Drive and divides that road from Haywards Close.

If you live in Heathfield Park Drive the quickest way to walk the shop on the corner of South Road is to climb over the railings if the gate cannot be opened.

Now, there is a chance that since the devlopers put a gate in there rather than build a wall, there is in fact some legal right of way, but a researcher would have to go back to the development plans to find out whether that is so.

If so, what is the nature of the right of way? It could be that they have to let foot-traffic through. There could be separate law applying to those few feet of land. It joins the adopted roads but it might itself be somebody's private land.

If you are going to climb those railings, take a nice stout piece of carpet and throw it over the spikes first.

Assuming the location is correct, it comes down to this: is there a right of way which somebody has tried to extinguish by locking the gate, or is the gate a poorly-defined boundary to private drive-ways?

Macheath said...

While this was doubtless an upsetting experience all round, I can't help noticing that a large proportion of cases of this kind involve former teenage mothers (the average age for a first-time mother in the UK is now 29). Thanks to the DM's habit of giving the ages of all concerned, it appears this is no exception.

As nature documentaries clearly demonstrate, young mammals in the wild (does that include Ilford?) are at much greater risk of harm if their mothers are relatively young and inexperienced and cannot pass on the benefit of accumulated knowledge about avoiding danger.

Anonymous said...

Even in a completely unrelated story Melvin cannot help but having a sad dig at the police.You really are a pestilence on this blog.

Leg-iron said...

This is why sea levels are rising. Nothing to do with global warming, it's all the fat kids going to the seaside.

The pic in the Mail showed the gate he climbed over, with the missing spike which (presumably) the fire brigade cut off to get him down.

The spikes are very big, barbed and really quite noticeable. You'd have to have no sense of risk at all to try climbing over.

JuliaM said...

"It says a lot for the quality of parent when they'll allow him to be paraded in public looking like that."

We've abolished shame. This is the result.

"..not sure the inverted commas in obesity 'crisis' are merited..."

Yeah, I probably should have created a new tag!

"Was there a pie on the other side ?"


"...or is the gate a poorly-defined boundary to private drive-ways?"

I don't know that area very well. Looking at GoogleMaps, it's hard to figure out - and they are often out of date too.

JuliaM said...

"As nature documentaries clearly demonstrate, young mammals in the wild (does that include Ilford?) are at much greater risk of harm if their mothers are relatively young and inexperienced.."

Looking at Mrs Hassan, I suspect she has a lot of exper...

*penny drops*

Oh! Yes. I see what you mean.. ;)

"This is why sea levels are rising. Nothing to do with global warming, it's all the fat kids going to the seaside."

Heh! There are worse sights on Southend seafront, trust me...

Actually, some commenters at the 'Mail' opined that his extra poundage might have saved him from a nastier injury.

Furor Teutonicus said...


I want to comment... GRINZ!!!!

Twenty_Rothmans said...

I have conceived a new use for the acronym 'WTF'. Where's the father?

My mother was an exceptionally beautiful woman throughout her life, until she was struck down.

I am rather pleased that I have no images of her looking all dressed up like that, an off-duty lap danseuse.

Let's not be too unpleasant, though. She's actually quite cute given even though her son has bigger tits.

Not only that, he has four of them.

All thanks to the Hassan Catering Conglomerate.

Isn't it Ramadan yet?

Anonymous said...

Look at that picture.

She, has clearly been on holiday or, has spent too much time on the sun bed.

He, clearly hasn't.

PJH said...

Find it somewhat amusing that they felt the need to pixellate the images of his breast in both The Mirror and The Daily Mail

JuliaM said...


I want to comment... GRINZ!!!!"

Oops! Just realised I forgot to put it in!

"I have conceived a new use for the acronym 'WTF'. Where's the father?"

Maybe Josh ate him?

"Find it somewhat amusing that they felt the need to pixellate the images of his breast in both The Mirror and The Daily Mail"

Whereas the 'Sun' are just using the pic as a reference guide for their 'Page 3 scouts... ;0

Anonymous said...

I live by this gate and witnessed the boy being cut off. Didn't see the actual accident. Nearly ayear later, the gate is still there and locked. It was left unlocked for a short period but resulted in groups of 20+ teenagers marching through from Haywards Close to Heathfield Park Drive which was very unnerving for residents. Ultimately, the boy made a silly mistake but for the mum to demand the gate open is absurd. Perhaps she should be thankful it wasn't worse and watch her child.