Tuesday 23 July 2013

What Is It With Politicians And The Internet?

A Tweet (eventually deleted when the ridicule got too much to ignore, but this is the Internet, where screengrabs guarantee notoriety) from Margot James MP:

I guess her “blonde highlights, tailored suits and penchant for Prada handbags” don’t conceal an astounding intellect.

However did she get elected?


Fahrenheit211 said...

This worrying closeness between LGBT groups and the Labour party and the far left, which I have mentioned before on here, is going to bite LGBT groups on the arse before long. This sort of closeness, including co-opting activists onto the Govt payroll. It is corrupting groups and presenting an image of LGBT people as a middle class leftist 'monothought clique'.

LGBT people who dislike the leftist takeover of their organisations need to speak up. It is in their own interests as many of these groups eg Stonewall et al are actively suppressing or at the most ignoring, documented examples of LGBT people being attacked or driven out of their homes by Muslim gangs. The Manchester Lesbian and Gay Foundation featured in this story has all the features both of a Labour Party front group, and another of those who choose to see no Islamic homophobia.

This idiotic and grammar challenged MP cannot even be arsed to proof-read her tweets. I'm no grammar expert but that tweet should have looked wrong even to someone who was pissed.

This case has all the hallmarks of the Labour party using the local LGBT organisations to get the vote out. The irony is, the party is probably doing some similar electoral shenanigans and taxpayer funded promotion, with the local Bearded Savage community, where many of said savages wish to kill LGBT people.

Joe Public said...

"However did she get elected?"

C'mon, what do you expect from someone whose job requires absolutely no qualifications?

Twenty_Rothmans said...

@ Joe Public

These days, you need a clunge. That explains Wollaston, Perry, Miller, Soubry and 'Shagger' (I don't recall her surname).

Insufferable, dense, cloying, nannying specimens - they'd be equally at home wearing a yellow or red rosette. But they all have something in common.

They are Clameroons.

blueknight said...

..all households soon to be banned from on line child abuse images and rape porn.
Sounds fine but how long before Tom Brown's school days, Death Wish and Deliverance get caught up in this? Remember the banned 'Video Nasties'of the 1980s and the confusion when Evil Dead was on the banned list, but was showing in the cinemas because the BBFC had previously approved it as an 'X'

JuliaM said...

"This worrying closeness between LGBT groups and the Labour party and the far left, which I have mentioned before on here, is going to bite LGBT groups on the arse before long. "

And when it does, it'll be too late. Their leaders will be too invested in the narrative to do anything but continue.

"But they all have something in common.

They are Clameroons."

Quite the worst PM yet, and given his predecessors, quite an achievement!

"Remember the banned 'Video Nasties'of the 1980s..."

Oh, yes! We never learn.