Monday 15 July 2013

Unfortunately, He Was Full Of Something Else At The Time…

…that something else being alcohol:
Mr Donaghy Snr, his brother and sister Mike and Kirsty Donaghy and Chris’s sister Rebecca Snow were all at the inquest. Chris was a “fit young lad, and full of fun,” he said…
Fun doesn't make you lie senseless in the gutter to be run over, does it?
Mrs Fernie denied the account and denied being drunk, but the coroner criticised Mrs Fernie's evidence, saying: “It is clear she has lied to me. She has pretended she had only six glasses of wine, but it is clear she had three bottles. I find her an utterly incredible witness.”
Three bottles!?! I wonder she could stand at all...


James Higham said...

"Fun" is now a principle in law?

Twenty_Rothmans said...

Christopher Donaghy (24), who worked at IPS First's packaging plant at Nestlé, York, was with 48-year-old nurse Audrey Fernie, from the Edinburgh area, when he was killed on on September 3, 2011.

Verdict: Death by beer goggles.

JuliaM said...

"Verdict: Death by beer goggles."


Furor Teutonicus said...

XX She has pretended she had only six glasses of wine,XX

Aye? Well my glass happens to be a Liter Krug. Three bottles of wine is less than THREE glasses.

Even a 35 Cl glass, more or less "normal" for a wine glass) would make 3 bottles(@70 Cl+-)/6 glasses = correct.