Thursday 18 July 2013

Your Words Say One Thing, Your Actions Tell The Real Story...

Sentencing, Recorder Andrew Edis, QC, told the defendants what they had done was 'disgraceful and serious conduct.'
He said: "This is frightening behaviour and something that ought never to take place in any public street. The use of violence in furtherance of family disputes is a serious aggravating feature."
Long prison sentence, then?
Mohammed Ansar and his son, both of Ashton Drive, Nelson, admitted affray. Atif Ansar also pledged guilty to possessing an offensive weapon. The father received 14 weeks in prison, suspended for a year, while his son was given 12 weeks in jail, suspended for 12 months.
*baffled face*


Anonymous said...

Am I surprised - No.
Having spent my working life dealing with such offences it is simply not unusual. I think we really need to look at the financial cost to society. It would have been more appropriate to have perhaps ensured as part of the sentence that the pair paid all the costs of getting them to court and I mean the whole cost of everyone involved in the case. To recover the cost send in the bailiffs until the pips squeak. Prison is no deterent financial penalty is.

Furor Teutonicus said...

Aye. And then it is paid by YOU, the tax payer, through their dole money!