Wednesday 10 July 2013

"'It was the most recent in a number of repeated false rape allegations against men since 2005."

A spokesman for Rape Crisis (England and Wales) said: 'While stories like this are undoubtedly shocking and sad, it is important to remember that, contrary to popular perception, false allegations of rape are very rare.'
Clearly that's not true.
'The Rape Crisis movement has been providing specialist, independent support services to these women for 40 years and during that time they have consistently told us that a major factor in their reluctance to report is the fear of not being believed.'
Why? The police had no problems whatsoever believing this mad bitch.

No matter how many times she tried it on...

H/T: Mark Wadsworth via email


Mark Wadsworth said...

Ta for link.

Have you done a quick count of how many of these stories you've linked to over the years and then cheerfully on your own estimate for 'unreported cases'?

Anonymous said...

I can imagine the furore had they said 'fuck off you mad bitch, we're sick and tired of your false allegations'....just because she's a lying mad bitch doesn't mean the modern police can show any discretion in accepting and investigating ehr claims, positive arrest policy, the modern arrest to harvest DNA before making any reasonable enquiries etc.

Joe Public said...

Perhaps a fitting punishment for a 'False Rape' accusation should be in a mens' prison?

JuliaM said...

"Have you done a quick count of how many of these stories you've linked to over the years.."

A quick glance at Blogger's tag count has it at 140 so far..

"....just because she's a lying mad bitch doesn't mean the modern police can show any discretion in accepting and investigating ehr claims.."

If they'd had a man in who claimed, for the 18th time, that his neighbour was harassing him, and they knew those claims were always proved false, would he be treated differently?

"Perhaps a fitting punishment for a 'False Rape' accusation should be in a mens' prison?"

I'd settle for the equivalent of whatever a man would have got if the rape had really happened.

David A. Evans said...

You're on dangerous ground here Julia. The Feminazis will have you marked.
Given the current state of affairs, estimates of false rape allegations vary between 50% & 90%.
Sometimes it's regretting a drunken screw, other times just revenge for some sleight.
Real rape victims hate these false allegations as it trivialises their plight