Monday 29 July 2013


Stafford Scott clearly wants to see another riot:
Tottenham's black community has been living under the cloud of PC Keith Blakelock's death for 28 years.
Note the passive term there, ‘death’.
The killing of Cynthia Jarrett …
Woah! She wasn't 'killed'. She died of a heart attack.
Each time the Met reopens the Blakelock investigation, the wounds are reopened. While the police and Blakelock's family speak about the need to see justice for the officer, we are left wondering what justice looks like: we have not seen anything resembling it.
That's because you have a vastly different view of justice to anyone else.
Yes, Blakelock's murder was awful and tragic, but so was the death of Cynthia Jarrett. Had she lived she would have celebrated her 76th birthday this week, yet there are no headlines recalling how she died, no media clamour for her killers to be brought to justice.
Once again; she wasn't killed. She died of a heart attack. Given she was approximately the size of a young bull hippo, she might just as easily have died going to the shops for a light snack (of everything on the shelves).
The police had their opportunity to find Blakelock's killers during their first investigation, but their corrupt methods and ineptitude meant that they blew it.
Yeah, well, I don't recall you bleating about that when it came to the killing of St Stephen Lawrence...
While the force may be hoping the country has forgotten, the black community of Tottenham certainly has not. It fuels our community's mistrust of the police and judiciary, and has been passed down a generation. It is one of the reasons that Tottenham burned again in 2011. Ultimately a community that cannot expect justice will always be prone to outbreaks of outrage.
What is it with 'Guardian' columnists and their salivating desire for riots?

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