Wednesday 31 July 2013

Oh, Just Grow Up!

The mother said she took managers "literally" when they suggested the pair dismount and enter the store - letting Olivia lead her six-year-old pony into the restaurant to the amazement of customers.
"When she said: 'You can't go through the drive through but you can come into the store', I thought 'okay, we will'."
Welcome to another example of today's adults, and pause to reflect on why children might be so uncontrollable and badly behaved these days...
An officer issued Christine with a £90 fine for causing "alarm and distress" to customers and managers have also banned the mum from returning.
"I guess it was a bit rash but I did feel angry because their policy was inconsistent and we've never had a problem before."
And the thing to do when you 'have a problem' these days is clearly to throw a strop like a whiny brat in front of your daughter. That fixes everything, right?
… other horse riders living in the area claimed they, too, had been served at the drive through. One rider said: "I've been through loads of times. There are quite a few riding schools and stables nearby. The staff have always served me."
Well, now you know what to do when they don't!
A spokesman for McDonald's said horse riders were not allowed to use the drive-through in the saddle due to health and safety reasons.
Yes, it's daft. But is acting like a tantrum-throwing toddler any way to protest?


Anonymous said...

I beg to differ, she was proving a point to some officious little shit who caused the entire incident.

Oh, and if I was in there when the pony was led in I would have loudly said "Fuck me, the burgers in here must be really fresh!"

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX A spokesman for McDonald's said horse riders were not allowed to use the drive-through in the saddle due to health and safety reasons.XX

But they willingly use horse shit to make "burgers?"

What is the difference here?

Furor Teutonicus said...

FUCK Mc Doogles said Florence. BOIIINNNGGG said Zeberdee.

blueknight said...

Bet the horse shied away when it saw the mincer...

JuliaM said...

"I beg to differ, she was proving a point to some officious little shit who caused the entire incident."

Politest to do that in a way that doesn't put other people off their Flickaburger, surely?

"Bet the horse shied away when it saw the mincer..."
